Tasting the soul ( The destruction of hope)

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          Sukuna dragged Megumi to bed. He laid down Megumi forcefully. Sukuna caught his wrists above his head. Megumi's eyes began to being teary. He started pleading:

-"Please, wait!.....I beg...Sukuna! Wasn't it enough?!....let me go please....."

Sukuna:-"How can you plead? Weren't you a brave? Where is your pride?"

Megumi:-"You killed it!...........Please don't do it!"

Sukuna took a breathe with a sigh and approached his face to Megumi's.

Sukuna:-" It will be never enough!"

Megumi:-"Look at me! See what did you do to me. Look at my body. Can you see these marks?!"

Sukuna:-"They suit you."

Megumi:-" Wha-"

Sukuna shut Megumi's mouth before he finish his word.

Sukuna:-"Tshshs! You won't talk tonight. I don't allow you! Tonight, you will give me your all to cheer me up, without breaks. You can only moan, Fushiguro Megumi!"

Megumi shaked his head as he was saying NO. He tried to push Sukuna. But Sukuna was so strong and He pressed Megumi so hard. He Opened Megumi's mouth forcefully and kissed him. Megumi's full body was trembled because of pain. He felt something inside He had never felt before. His Soul began to burn. A part of Sukuna's Soul was in Megumi and a part of Megumi's soul was in him. Sukuna's soul was suffering Megumi's. Megumi's body and also his soul were owned by Sukuna and were suffering. After long Sukuna let Megumi's body and rose his body of his. Megumi took deep breathe. He turned his face to the pillow. Sukuna looked at him and saw he was crying. Sukuna didn't do anything. He got up and left Megumi on the bed. Megumi stood there alone with his tears. Sukuna went out, walked around and thought. He went beside Uraume and Kenjaku. Uraume got up as soon as Sukuna came.

-"Good evening, Sukuna-sama!"- Uraume kneeled.

-"Good evening..."- Sukuna said it to Uraume.

Kenjaku:-"How are you after the Ritual?"

Sukuna:-"Really good."

Uraume:-"Sorry, but.....Why did you enter your Soul to him?"

Sukuna:-"I have a reason."

Uraume:-"What a reason?...May we know?"


Uraume:-" I don't want to you waste your time for him. I think it will be better if you throw him away or kill hi-"

-"Uraume!"- Sukuna shouted to Uraume with anger before she finish.

-" Do I have to say it again? Know your limits. If you don't know then listen. I don't allow to anyone to touch him or judge his fate! He is mine so only I judge his fate."- Sukuna said.

Uraume was burning after these words. It was the first fime that Sukuna has shouted to her. Kenjaku looked at her as he was mocking.

Sukuna:-"Did you get?"

Uraume:-"Yeah, sorry Sukuna-sama."

Sukuna:-"Great. And you Kenjaku, you also get it, right?"

Kenjaku:-" I don't interrupt you Sukuna-sama. But I was going to request something."


Kenjaku:-" Allow me to go out of your domain."


Kenjaku:-" I am going to check there and wanna know what is Gojo Satoru doing."

Sukuna:-" Right... It will be good. Okay I allow you."

You cheer me Up! (Hostagen Megumi)  SUKUFUSHIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant