Don't touch him! (ACRUX We are the same. SATISFY ME!)

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After Sukuna's works Megumi was sitting alone because of Sukuna allowed him to have a break. He was very sad. He couldn't stop thinking. His eyes were tearful and his hands trembly. Suddenly he felt someone. Yeah someone is coming but this isn't Sukuna. He looked up and saw someone who was no human and no curse. Megumi was scared.

"You? A sorcerer? What are you doing here?!"- that person said to Megumi and tried to attack him.

"STOP!"- Sukuna appeared. He approached.

"Sukuna-sama!"- that person gave a crusty to Sukuna.

"Did you try to kill him? Uraume?"- Sukuna asked with anger.

Uraume:-"Sorry, Sukuna-sama. But I am going to know the reason of why there is a human? A sorcerer?"

Sukuna smirked and approached to Megumi. Megumi feared and moved from Sukuna.

Sukuna:-"I don't have to explain any reason to someone. He stays there anymore. Don't touch him. I don't allow anyone to approach him. Keep distance from him"

Uraume shocked. Because Sukuna had never had a reaction to Uraume so far.
"I understood..."- Uraume said.

Sukuna:-"That's good if You understood. Tell to Kenjaku about him. He also must to know."

Uraume:-"Okay, Sukuna-sama..."

Sukuna"-Then you can go"

Uraume:-"Sorry, but I have something to tell you so I came here."

Sukuna:-"I told you that you can go. Come later. We have some private works together now."
Sukuna smirked and touched Megumi's chin. Megumi took a breathe. He looked like he was fearing a lot. Uraume surprised because of Megumi's face.

Uraume left them. But she thought about Sukuna's reaction on Megumi. "Why did that sorcerer fear too much? And Sukuna said that they have private works.... private?..." Uraume decided to watch them like a ghost. She tried to Sukuna doesn't notice him. She watched far from them. At the moment Sukuna started his works again. Megumi started begging. So Uraume saw them. And she knew about Sukuna likes to enjoy Megumi. Uraume got really angry.
She couldn't stay there no longer. She went to meet Kenjaku. Kenjaku was lying down and having a rest. Uraume told everything about them to him.

"It seems like Sukuna has a toy anymore. I have always known about it. He always talk about he wants a body to enjoy. There were some tips that I gave him. But he said that he needs a body of one....only one. And now I comprehended that owner of the body who Sukuna wants this is Fushiguro!" - Kenjaku said.

"Fushiguro?"-Uraume surprised.
"Is his name Fushiguro? How did you know his name. I don't know him. I didn't discribe him. How did you know him?"- Uraume asked. She hadn't known Megumi. And she had never seen him so far.

Kenjaku:-"His name is Fushiguro Megumi. He has black hairs and dark blue eyes, right?"

Uraume:-"Yes, he is a young man"

Kenjaku:-"One day Sukuna talked about him. He said that he ignores everything except of Fushiguro Megumi. I didn't know why Sukuna said that about him. But it is certainly Sukuna forgets everything and be with only him anymore."

Uraume got angry and she said:
-"Sukuna-sama will definitely throw him away after he got bore!"

Kenjaku laughed:
-"Ha-ha-ha-ha... It seems like you have some feelings for him. And you don't want to him to spend time with Fushiguro, right?"

Uraume:-" I live only for Sukuna-sama! I am ready to everything for him. I just don't want to Sukuna waste time for him."

Kenjaku:-" Sorry, but He will never leave Fushiguro untill Fushiguro's body died. But Fushiguro is a child yet. You know Gojo Satoru and Fushiguro is his student. I think Gojo Satoru is annoying now...."

Uraume didn't say anything but she was jealous of Sukuna.

Kenjaku:-"I think we shouldn't interrupt him."

* * * * *

Sukuna took off Megumi's shirt. He grabbed Megumi's body. And he saw a tatoo where was on Megumi's abbs.

"What is it?"-Sukuna said. He hadn't noticed this tatoo before when He took of Megumi's shirt. Because Sukuna had attention to only Megumi's face.

"Acrux?....Tell me Fushiguro Megumi, What is it?"- Sukuna said again.

-"Mhm...mhmm..I-I don't know....It appeared b-b-by..... by chance.....when I escape r-rabbit shikigami...."-Megumi replied hardly.

-"I see...Your shikigamis' have marks. And you had also marked."-Sukuna touched his tatoo on Megumi's abbs. Megumi feared and tried to move. But Sukuna didn't allow.

Sukuna:-"Did you see? We are the same! Fushiguro Megumi"


Sukuna:-"No?... Both of us have marks, don't we? "

Megumi:-"Please stop, Sukuna...."

Sukuna:-"I want to get more enjoy of your body. Let's have fun"

Megumi:-"No-no, Sukuna please.... I beg...."

Sukuna pinned him to the ground.
Megumi moaned:
-"Su-Sukuna!... let me Go..."

Sukuna:-"Tshshsh....Look at your body Fushiguro Megumi. Isn't it attractive? How can you interrupt someone to enjoy your body? Shut up and let me taste you... "

Megumi:-"Aghhh....mhmm... Sukuna..."

Sukuna:-"Yeah, say my name more. Your tatoo made me so happy. I really like your body!

Megumi grabbed Sukuna's shoulders by chance. His eyes were tearful:
-"Please, Listen...mhmm....I can't....I can't bear. It hurts....please give me a break again. It was not enough that you gave before.....please..."

Sukuna grabbed his arms and pinned him to the ground again.
"SATISFY ME, Fushiguro Megumi!"
-Sukuna said and kissed his neck painfully.

* * * * *

However Megumi begs, Sukuna ignores. Nothing was able to stop Sukuna from torturing Megumi. Sukuna has really lost control since he got Megumi. Sukuna wants to enjoy more and more. He doesn't stop untill Megumi became unconsicious. And Megumi wants to escape but there was no chance to run. It is useless to beg Sukuna to stop. He has to endure Pains what Sukuna gave to him. He wants to meet Gojo. He wants to Gojo rescue him from Sukuna. But he doesn't have any hope .... He wants but doesn't believe to escape...........

* * * * *


Sukuna:-"Are you well?"

Megumi was very tired, he wasn't able to make a move But he was able to speak hardly. And he replied:

-"Mhmm...Why...Why are you asking?..."

Sukuna:-"I am going to know your condition. Are you okay?..."

Megumi:-"It d-d-doesn't matter my....... condition to you..."

Sukuna:-"Maybe you can't believe but I care about you Fushiguro Megumi."

Megumi:-"Care?....You are..."

Sukuna:-"Don't speak. Keep your strength. I see, you are tired. There is uncozy....let me carry and move you to another place."

Sukuna carried Megumi on his arms.

Megumi:-"Wait, put me down...."

Sukuna:-"You can't walk so I will help you."

Sukuna carried Megumi to move him another place. He carried Megumi to his bedroom.

Just an information:( Sukuna's domain is his own kingdom. There is extensive but dark. There are some structures. And Sukuna has a bedroom, a scary bedroom. His bedroom is very dark but there is only a candle. Canlde lights very low. So it's difficult to see something a bit.)

He put Megumi on his bed slowly. Sukuna buttoned Megumi's shirt, stroked his black hairs.

Sukuna:-"Is there cozy? You are tired. I will give you time. Sleep a little."

Sukuna allowed Megumi to have a rest and left him.

You cheer me Up! (Hostagen Megumi)  SUKUFUSHIWhere stories live. Discover now