I filled the bathtub with ice cold water and my favorite strawberry and kiwi bath bomb adding a little smell to the moment. Stripping out of my clothes i dipped my toe in it wincing at the water temperature. I then slowly put in my foot then legs soon i was all in. Sure the water was damn cold but as odd as it is it was oddly comfortable. 

As you may know i am a winter baby i'm quite use to the cold as it is. After what felt likean hour i got out the tub and threw on my robe covering my body as i walked out the bathroom and into my room.

I dried myself up then wore a pink tank top and purple shorts. Jumping into my bed i checked my phone to see a text from Niall.

Come on the roof

I read the text and hopped out my room opening the window i spotted Niall sitting on my roof top waiting patiently. I crawled out my window then draped my arms around his back. Placing a kiss on the crook of his neck.

"Hey, love." I saw sitting myself next to him where i could see his face.

"Hey beautiful.... hmm Strawberries." He smiled sniffing in my scent.

"And kiwi." I smile.

Niall decided to lay himself down on the roof and check out the stars," Night of a thousands stars." He sang. He opened his arm silently telling me to lay down with him. I did what i was told then wrapped my arms around his waist my head laying on his chest," So?" He trails off.

"So what?" I ask.

"What's your plan for summer?" He asked.

"Hmm, i don't know the usual. my family might go down the families cabin. Not much." I reply,"You."

"Well i'm planning to impress someone." He says smiling.

"Hat who?" I say playing along with this joke.

"This pretty girl, she's quite special to me. So i want to take her somewhere just don't know where." He pauses placing a kiss  in my hair.

"Just ask her." I say.

"I would but she's closed about her life."He says.

"Okay good luck finding out." say smiling.

"What do you like?" He finally asked," What do you like doing in summer?"

" Well it's been a while since my family went on a vacation -" He cut me off.

"What about a road trip?" He questions. My face lit up.

"Yes." I squeal. 


That night Niall spent the night with me at my house my parents didn't know about it so i wasn't worried. We spent the night watching tv and eating junk food. Which is odd i'm normally a healthy freak. The next morning before my parents woke up i kicked Niall out the window and waved goodbye. Okay i didn't kick him.

I spent the rest of the morning thinking of what was up. It's the 15th off the month it's usually when i get my period. I was suppose to get it like 5 days ago. I tried not to think about it but it kept circling in my mind.

That afternoon i made my way to the pharmacy and picked up a pregnancy test tube. I got to the register and waited patiently as the woman in front of me made her purchase. Judging of the way she stood and her voice i knew who it was. It was Niall's mom. My heart started racing before she turned around i hid myself at the back of the store waiting till she left. It toke her long to leave though just in case she saw me i put down the testing tube and walked around the store.

'Allie?" I heard her joyful voice right behind me. I jumped and gasped.

'Oh hi ,wow you scared me." I say smiling.

"How you doing?" She asked pulling me into a hug. She smelled like a mixture of cookies and perfume. Letting me go she says.

"I will catch up with you i gotta hit my yoga class." She smiles and exited the pharmacy. I picked up the pregnancy tube and went to the register.


Before i went home i stuffed the test tube into my oversize jacket. When my sister Avery opened the door she looked at me and questioned why i'm wearing an over sized jacket in summer.

'I'm cold." I lied she felt for it. My baby sister Ave isn't a question person. By that i mean if she asks a question she wants an answer even if it doesn't make sense she won't question you.

I made my way upstairs into the bathroom locking the door behind me my heart started racing rapidly. Me knees started to shake. I know how lucky i would be to have his kid but the consequences are to much to face. I watched many show and movies where teens got pregnant and their parents kicked them out the house. Having their own child end up homeless.

I used it as it said in the directions and then placed it on the edge of the bathtub waiting pertinently for the result. It says it will take up to 3 minutes on the package but it toke longer then that. Finally seeing the result my heart slowed down.

It was a minus.


AYEEE i shes not pregoo yaya. I bet you guys thought she would be.

 I know i havn't updated in a while but this is the longest i wrote phew =)

Goals 5 votes atleast


Not Just The Boy Next Door( Niall Horan) #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now