Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Whatever I was resting on didn't feel familiar, and the emptiness inside my mind caused me to panic. It took me a few moments to remember what happened, my eyes scanning around the small room trying to gather as much information as possible. I attempted to send a message to Mason, to show him images, but it caused pain in my head, leaving me whimpering.

"I told you no messages, did I not?" A seductive voice floated through the air. Following the sound, I noticed my captor lounging on a chaise as if he didn't have a care in the world. I went to move, but found my body anchored to the bed I was laying on, propped up by pillows. No restraints bound me, the weighty feeling a result of the compulsion.

I opened my mouth to speak and was infuriated when I couldn't. He had complete control and it lit a fire in me. I shot dagger filled looks, ranting at him with my thoughts while he sat there and yawned as if bored.

Swinging his legs so his feet rested on the floor, he stood and moved toward me. "Did you enjoy your rest, Darcy? For someone whose been kidnapped, you sure did sleep a long time. I say a good two or three hours. I'd venture a guess the entire Pack is in uproar, tearing apart Woodside Hollow looking for you." He brushed his hand down the length of his leg, as if dusting himself off. "I know I would if you were mine. You really are exquisite." I hated watching him reach out and touch me, knowing I couldn't do anything to stop him.

"I can see why Mason is so taken with you." His fingers traced a path up my side, slowing briefly by my breast before continuing upward. He placed his palm against my cheek, leaning in to smell the side of my neck. "As I've sat here and watched you sleep, a question has plagued me. I wonder what you taste like?"

I willed myself to remain calm, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of knowing how scared I was. The last thing I wanted was to become food for a vampire, a toy to be played with before killing. Regardless of his intent, I didn't see myself walking out of this alive.

Images from the meeting sprung up in my mind along with the realization this was the person behind everything. He must have sensed it, been able to read the horror in my eyes, because it caused him to pull away, tossing his head back in laughter.

"Finally figured it out? I wondered how long it would take. You don't know how impatient I get sometimes while I wait for everyone else to catch up. Oh, come now, there's no need to look so angry. What is two deaths when there is so much to gain?"

I swear I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd added an evil chuckle on the end of his ramblings. Oblivious to the fact I'd yet to answer him, Avery began pacing back and forth alongside the bed.

"So do you know why you're here?" I watched him come to a stop, glancing at me, waiting for a response. "Any idea?" Annoyance flashed before a look of understanding crossed his face. "You may speak, Darcy."

I inhaled sharply as I found my voice, the sound shaky to my ears. Pausing to draw in strength, I spat out my request, "Release me."

"But we are getting on so well. Are you not enjoying yourself? I know I am. Now, where were we? Yes, I asked you a question and you failed to answer me. I warn you not to disappoint me. I've been known to have a temper. Just ask dear Vanessa."

"I have no idea why you brought me here, other than it's something to do with Mason and you wanting to send a message. All kidnapping me is going to do is piss him off, and no one's fury comes close to his. If you hurt me, he will hunt you to the end of the earth and tear you apart—painfully and slowly."

"Oh, such confidence in your Alpha. Such a pity it is misplaced." Avery crooned, his voice mocking.

"I know my Mason. He will not rest until you're destroyed. By killing Jasmine and Vanessa, then taking me, you've signed your death warrant. And if by some act of insanity, he doesn't get you, Devlin and his enforcers will be gunning for you. That's not just confidence. It's fact." I knew I sounded cocky, but it took everything I had not to make my voice shake and reveal my bluff. Not that I wouldn't be avenged, but that I wasn't afraid. I wanted to keep him talking for as long as it took for everyone to find me.

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