Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The power in the room had me thrumming the very second I entered, sliding over my skin causing a shiver to course through me. It was the same reaction I had each time I was surrounded by some of the most dominant males in the pack. Separately, each of them was a pussycat. Together, they were lethal.

I looked around and my chest tightened—Daniel, Eric, Jonas, and Wade. I loved each of my brothers and the look of concern covering their faces shared just how much the events of last night had shaken them. It was one thing to go up against a pack male, another completely when threatening one of the females.

I walked past each one of them, letting my hand touch them briefly, giving them a chance to see I was in fact safe and in one piece. I couldn't give them Jasmine, and it hurt, but now wasn't the time for that.

As I took my seat next to Mason, who was all Alpha authority now, I looked around and took note of the other faces in the meeting. Devlin was sitting a few seats down, and I was pretty confident he hadn't taken his gaze off me the entire time I'd been in the room. His stare was intense, as though he was trying to penetrate the wall of protection I'd erected and see into the heart of the matter.

For a vampire enforcer, someone who lived a life of justice and violence, I had a special kind of relationship with him. I smiled as my eyes met his. He nodded in return and I knew I hadn't fooled him. It always impressed me how much he could communicate without ever saying a word. Sometime in the next few days Devlin would want to talk with me, and I bowed my head in return, letting him know to come find me.

There was someone new sitting by him, and judging by the way he drummed his fingers against the table, he wasn't used to being in a room with this many werewolves. I leaned forward, trying to discern what kind of supernatural being he was because surely a vampire wouldn't give away such an obvious tell of nervousness. Smelling the air, I reclined back shocked.

Vampire. Taking in his appearance and the way he held himself, I would say newly turned because there was no way an older one would throw off such a strong scent of uncertainty. I caught Devlin's eyes, gesturing towards his companion, and I was rewarded with a slight fanged grin. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

Reaching out, he placed his hand over the nervous vampire's and brought the agitation to a standstill. I'm not sure what was whispered between the two, but the look on the young man's face was priceless as he blanched and visibly straightened in his chair. I tried not to giggle when Devlin turned to me and winked. There was a story there, one I couldn't wait to uncover.

"Is everyone here?"

All eyes focused on Mason as he stood by his chair, waiting to bring the meeting to a start. If I thought the intensity of power in the room was overwhelming before, now it was stifling. Yes, these were men, but I was also surrounded by predators—hunters desperate for retribution and answers.

The air crackled and each body instantly tensed. Placing my hand gently on Mason's leg, he looked down at me and smiled.

"By now, you would've all heard about the attack last night," he paused, his voice cracking slightly. "Jasmine was taken from us, but thankfully, Darcy was able to take care of the situation and return to us safely."

All heads turned my way and I struggled not to flinch or sink deep into my chair. Stiffening my spine, I met everyone's gaze before returning to Mason.

"Not all of us are familiar with the events." The voice belonged to the vampire newbie, and he wasn't able to hide his cringe when the full focus swung to him. I think he even squeaked the next part of his sentence before remembering where, and what, he was. "I'd appreciate hearing the account from Darcy herself."

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