Start from the beginning

I try to enjoy the rest of the ceremony, but all I can do is continue to wonder why Noah was at my mothers wedding. MY mothers wedding.

Everyone stands and claps as Mom and Jason make their way back down the aisle, and everyone is lead down to a building off to the side for the after party. I don't get a chance to ask Noah what he was doing here, due to the amount of people crowding the way down to the party. They disappear from my sight, and instead, I find my way to my mother.

"Mom." I call to her as she changes her shoes to some more comfortable ones. "Why is Noah here?" She sighs, and looks up at me. "I didn't know he would be here. Jason invited his daughter and she brought him. Apparently they're together? Or seeing each other? That was what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to introduce you to Jasons daughter and son."

My heart drops. Madison is his... daughter? "You're joking, right?" I breathe out. "No? Why would I, Vivian."

I walk away from my mom, not wanting to have the conversation anymore. My brain is in shambles. Out of all people, she had to be Jason's daughter. That now makes her... Lord no... My stepsister...

I make my way to one of tables set up for alcohol, and order a shot of whisky. Luckily, it's an open bar. Thanks, mom. I shoot back the shot, and immediately ask for another. On top of that, I also ask for a glass of wine. I take a seat at one of the tables that is set up for eating, and just sip on my wine. Mom and Jason have their first dance, then invite any other couples out on the floor to dance with them. I sit back and watch and they disappear behind all the middle aged, and older couples.

I finally catch a glimpse of Noah and Madison sitting at another table, talking amongst themselves while having a drink as well. I guess I stared a little too long because Madison notices me, and waves at me with a huge smile. Then, motions me to their table. I groan a little, and slowly make my way over to them.

The entire time, I feel eyes on me. But unsure of who's. Whether is the judgemental old women, or Madison and Noah. I just feel uneasy. I take a big sip of my wine as I come up to their table. My face already feeling flush.

"O.M.G. I did not know that you were Mrs. Carter's daughter until Noah told me! That means we're stepsisters now!" Madison squeals, giving me a huge smile. "Granted, I didn't know that Jason was your dad until you brought me here." Noah laughs nervously. "Well, it was nice talking. But I have to get back to my table." I throw my thumb over my shoulder, motioning to the table that I previously sat at.

"To talk to my Grandma? I mean, our Grandma now?" Madison smiles, but looks confused. I look back, and sure enough, a small, fraile older lady sits at my table. "Uh, yeah. Mom wanted me meet her." I lie through my teeth, and awkwardly walk back to the table, and sit down with the woman. "How are you?" I smile at her, making it seem like I'm genuinely interested in meeting her so that they quit staring at me.

As the night goes on, I have a few more glasses of wine. I'm not tipsy, but I definitely feel it in my face. I feel someone tap on my shoulder, and I turn around to see that it's mom, accompanied by Madison. "I heard that y'all had already talked, but I mentioned to Madison what hotel you were at and they're staying at the same one! We're probably about to slip off from here, so I mentioned ya'll three sharing an Uber to save money! That way you're not here alone!"

Mom looks happy and genuine. I can't go against it, because I don't want to show that I have an issue not only being around Noah, but around my new found step sister as well. I force the fakest smile on my face. "Of course, I'll split the cost."

We all say goodbye to all the ones we care to, and get into the Uber that was ordered once it arrives. "Don't worry about splitting it, I have it covered!" Madison pats my back as she opens the door to the uber, climbing in to sit in the middle. I notice Noah sitting as close as he can to the door, with her cuddled up against him as close as she can get.

"So, Vivian, what room are you in? We could totally hang out tomorrow before we leave!" I really would prefer to not hang out with her, but for some reason, I still answer her question.

"That's 2 floors above our room! That's crazy!" I feel Madison place her hand on my arm, and it makes me uncomfortable. She is definitely a little too touchy towards me when I'm her current eye candies ex. I let out a drawn out "yeah", and force another fake smile even though it's  dark in the car.

Noah doesn't say a word, and luckily, they get out of the elevator first once we're at the hotel. "I'll get your number from Noah and definitely text you in the morning!" I don't respond, but rather just smile once more as the two sliding doors to the elevator shut. I let out a sigh of relief as I continue to go up to my floor. I pull out my phone, and send Nathan a few of the photos I took at the wedding of myself. Soon after, my phone rings.

"Have I ever told you how breath taking you are?" Nathan's voice booms on speaker phone as I pull off my dress to change into something more comfortable.

"I don't think you have, but I would love to hear you say it." I reply, a huge smile grows on my face. Nathan laughs at my response, and continues to tell me how beautiful I am. We have a short conversation before I hear one of the kids screaming in the background. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Kennedy is fighting her sleep. But I would love to hear about the wedding when you come back." Nathan and I say goodnight to each other, and get off the phone.

I turn on some music through my phone, and I slowly begin to take the little bit of make up off my face. I don't really feel like showering, so this is as much as I'm willing to do. I lay down on the bed, and scroll through TikTok for about an hour. I text Nathan back and forth a few times, his replies being slow due to him dealing with Kennedy.

I can't seem to make myself tired, and I get thirsty. I call for room service, just to see if they will bring me something to drink. I don't care what it is, I'm just parched.

They tell me that they'll send me a water up to my room, but don't tell me how long it'll be. I cut the TV on, and Bob's Burgers lights up the room. A few minutes pass by, and I have a knock at the door. I unlock it, and slowly swing it open fully expecting to finally quinch my thirst.

Instead, Noah stands at the door. Still in his formal attire. "Noah?" I breathe out. He looks down, like something is on his mind.

He pushes through the door, quickly shutting it. "I can't keep myself away from you anymore." Noah quickly pulls me to him by the back of my head, and kisses me. His lips are soft, and warm. Without thought, I return the kiss, but it doesn't last long. I push Noah from me, shocked at what just happened. "Noah, I'm with someone else. You're with someone else." I say to him sternly. "I can't do this anymore Viv. I can't deny my feelings. I still want you. I need you, please." Noah cradles my face with both of his hands. I notice his eyes getting glossy and his voice starting to break.

"I shouldn't have left. I should've been willing to work on it then and there. I'm so sorry Vivian. I'm so sorry." A sob breaks through on the last sentence, and Noah has tears fully falling down his face. I notice that I'm doing the same, and I can't contain myself. Everything that is in my brain completely disappears, and I can't help myself. I pull Noah back to me, engaging in a kiss once more.

He pulls away for a split second, "I'm so sorry". He pulls me back to him, and his touch is so loving. I have missed this from him so bad. I feel his thumb slowly stroke my cheek as we continue to kiss, and it's like we're both on the same track. I'm slowly being backed up to the hotel bed, and everything feels right.

Noah is slowly climbing on top of me, neither of us daring to break the kiss. He runs his hands through my hair, and suddenly pulls away from me. His eyes are red, and his hair is now a mess. He sniffles before speaking up. "I'm sorry. I can't do this to you. You're right, you're with that guy. I'm sorry." Noah stammers before making his way out of my room.

I continue to lay in the bed, listening to the door shut. Before I can fully comprehend everything, sobs leave my body. I curl up to myself, unsure of how to feel.

I wind up crying myself to sleep, thinking about how much I miss Noah, but about how much I like Nathan.

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