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Vivian's POV

It's the day after Christmas, AKA the day I'm meeting Nathan's kids. I don't have to leave until later today, but my nerves are killing me. I've laid in bed most of the morning, trying to avoid getting ready. Noah left early this morning to go talk to that lady about a job. He didn't give me many details, just that he pretty much had an interview.

As I lie in bed, I'm scrolling through Tiktok, watching all of the odd videos that pop up on my For You page. I have a good laugh with a few, until I hear a knock on my door. I guess Noah is back...

"Come in!" I yell, lowering my phone out of my sight. The door swings open, and Noah looks excited. "Guess what!" He attempts to hold back a smile, but fails miserably. I return the question, and Noah hops on the bed, laying on his stomach beside me. "I got the job!" I'm confused on how comfortable he is being with me, but excited for him. "That's great!" I say, just as enthusiastic as he is.

Noah rambles on about the job, and how much he will be paid. But all I can think about is how close he is to me. He's on top of the covers, but nearly touching my side. He lies a little lower than me, making him look up to me as he talks. I also begin to take into account that I'm only wearing a T-shirt and underwear under this blanket.

My mind continues to run wild, as Noah talks about how excited he is. My thoughts immediately start to scream to kiss him. Before I can react, he starts to get up off the bed. "Anyways, I just needed someone to tell that to. You were here so I figured 'why not.'" I start to feel disappointed that he got up, and I watch him intently. It was a good thing that he got up, but I can't help but to wonder what would've happened if he didn't.

"When are you leaving? You said something about doing something today." Noah turns around while in the doorway. "Oh yeah, I uhm... I leave at 3." I tell him. I didn't exactly explain what I was doing, but I did tell him I had plans.

Noah nods his head. "You wanna watch a movie or something?" He points towards the living room. I pass on his offer, deciding that it isn't the best for me right now. I haven't seen Noah smile like he just did the entire time he has been here. I don't know if that is a good thing or not, honestly. He leaves me to myself, and I decide to get dressed early.

I put on some warm, and slightly dressy clothes, and just leave my face bare. Two days of wearing make-up isn't for me. I walk out into the living room, just to sit with Noah as he watches some anime on the tv.

A little bit of time passes, and it is soon time for me to leave. I give Noah a small goodbye, and grab myself a drink before walking out to my car. I sigh deeply as I turn my car on, nervous about all that is about to transpire. Will his kids like me? Will the mother of his kids like me?

I shove the thoughts away, and make my way over to Nathan's house. What's funny is that he had to remind me after he sent that photo on Thanksgiving that he had 2 kids, not one. I thought that he had just a girl. To which, I swear that he only told me about her. As I pull up, I see Nathan walking out of the door, as well as his 3 year old daughter, and 6 year old son.

I park behind his truck, to make sure not to block the other vehicle from getting out. He lives in a nice neighborhood. The houses aren't close to each other, the houses themselves are very nice. The kids stand in the front yard, waving at me with big smiles on their faces. You can tell they're excited, but know better than to run out towards a vehicle.

I open my door, making sure to wave back to the kids. Nathan is laughing to himself while making his way over to me. "Hey!" We both say to each other, before sharing a hug. "Let's go inside guys." Nathan holds my hand, and we follow the kids back inside so that they can introduce themselves. "Thank you so much for coming, it meant a lot." Nathan stops at the front door before we enter, giving me a light smile.

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