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Noah's POV

Some may disagree, but I fully planned on that happening between Vivian and I. Something inside me just wanted her the moment I seen her at the gym. I knew it was her the moment I saw her out the window, running to her car. Ever since then, I've seen her up here nearly every time I have come. She's looking sexier than ever. I know that her and that Nathan guy have nothing going on, and that he is just a trainer at the gym. But, something made me go after her, and make sure she knew that in a way, she was still mine.

Call me fucked up all that you want, but I actually still love her.

Folio had came over the other day and caught me cleaning out the car. He somehow already knew what happened, but not who with. And of course, he picked on me, talking about "my boy finally got his dick wet again". They would all kill me if they knew who it was with. I'm not going to lie either, I was high when it happened.

That party that the guys were talking about is supposed to be this weekend, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm all for small get togethers, but huge parties with people I don't know? Nah. That whole bonfire thing that was over a year ago, Nick dragged me to. In a way, I was glad he did. I wouldn't have met Vivian. But at the same time, I wish I didn't because I wouldn't be this torn over her.

I head up to the gym after work, to get some sets in. I'm trying to bulk up, but also slim down. Once I walk in, I see Nathan talking to the front desk person. "What's up man?" I ask, shaking his hand. "Not much, I have someone to help at 6." He smiles, giving me a firm handshake. Immediately, I get this bright idea.

"You do any heavy lifting training?" I motion over to the weight benches. "I do. You looking for some help?" Nathan asks. I really don't, I pretty much know what I'm doing. But I know that it'll fuck with Viv. "Yeah, just looking to bulk up some. Got any free spaces?" Nathan graps a piece of paper from over the counter, and writes something down. "I'll have to check my schedule when I get home, but I'm sure I do. Here's my number, just send me a text later on and remind me." I take the paper, and stuff it into my pocket.

I thank him before walking off to do some basic workouts. I guess today isn't one of Vivian's days, because I don't see her the entire time I'm here. I really don't know what has gotten into me, but it seems fun.

I walk out to my car once I'm done working out, and go home. This is fucked up. I can't do this to Viv. That's all I can think about. But I can't help myself. When I get home, I shoot Nathan a text with the number he gave me. He gives me a schedule, which consists of Monday, Thursday, and Sunday.


Vivian's POV

Ever since Nathan and I's date, we've been texting non-stop. I think we really hit it off. I have still yet to tell him everything about Noah and I. I'm afraid that if I do, it'll scare him off. I definately haven't told him about that night. And I don't plan on it.

I honestly expected to hear from Amy again after seeing her that day, but nothing has happened. I miss having a friend. Lola surely isn't going to be that for me. She still treats me like an outcast since I wouldn't cover for her. I didn't know that it was that important to her. I guess that's why we were never really friends in the first place.

I guess I'll just have to suck it up and text Amy myself, instead of waiting. As I sit on the couch on my day off, I pull up her number and type out a text.

Me - Hey, I know that we haven't really been on great terms, but I was wondering if you would be willing to be friends again? I miss you.

I read the text over and over in my head before pressing send. However, I'm met with defeat when I get a reply back, that says that the number is no longer in service.

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