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Noah's POV

"What was she talking about, Noah?" Nick crosses his arms as I walk into the kitchen. I shrug my shoulders at him, not really giving him an answer. "What, so she's just making stuff up?" I try my hardest not to make eye contact with him. Nick huffs, and walks away from the kitchen. I know if I gave him an actual answer, he would've scolded me.

I step outside to smoke, making sure I'm far away to where neither Nick or Folio doesn't know. I only take a few hits before putting it out, and heading back inside. As if on que, the moment I walk through the door, Vivian is stumbling out of Nicks room trying to get to the bathroom.

She falls onto the floor at the door of the bathroom. I slowly make my way over to her to ask what she is doing. "Where are you going?" I look down at Vivian. "I want to go home. I don't feel good." She gags, but contains herself. I sigh, and help her up off the floor to get her to the toilet. "You can't go home Viv."

Vivian groans at my statement, and sits down in front of the toilet. After a few minutes of her not doing anything, I make her get up so she can go back to bed.

Once I help her into the bed, she speaks finally. "Lay with me." I sigh at her statement, considering where we are. "Please." She cries out. I look around the room, and my eyes land on the door frame where Nick is standing. He says nothing, but motions me to do what she asked for. I climb into the bed next to her, and Nick walks away. It feels like we're back at where things ended. Vivian cuddles up to me, face to face.

"Why is this happening?" She says quietly. Confused, I look down at her. "What?"

"Why are we doing this to each other. Why are you doing this to me?" Vivian looks up at me, tears in her eyes. The light from the hallway faintly shines on our bodies. I stay silent, trying to figure out what to say. "Because you're mine." I tell her. I slowly wrap my arms around her. I get no response from her, so I just assume that she fell asleep.

As I lay with her, I slowly start to realize how fucked up this really is. I shouldn't be doing this to her. Or myself. I slip out of her grip, and leave her in the bed alone once more. I walk through the house until I find Folio. "I think I'm gonna head out." I tell him. I haven't drank since Vivian showed up, so I should be good.

"Are you okay man?" Folio asks, making me stop before I walk out. "Yeah, I'm good. Just tired." I say my goodbyes, and leave the old house that I used to live within. On the way home, I can't help myself to tear up a little bit. I don't know what I'm doing.

I can't help but to think that I fucked up by leaving Viv. And I feel like I fucked up even more by leading her on. It really did hurt watching her walk in holding onto Nathan. I didn't think that there was anything between them. By the time that I get home, it's already 2 in the morning. I finish off the blunt I took with me, and go straight to bed.


Vivian's POV

I wake up with an extreme headache, confused as to where I am for a moment. I realize that I'm in Nicks bed. I get up, imediately feeling the need to vomit. I run to the bathroom, and luckily no one is in there. The puking seems to make my head hurt more. I soon hear someone else enter the bathroom as I'm choking. I feel my hair get pulled back out of my face, and I don't question it.

Once I'm done, I sit back and finally get to see who has been enduring this with me. It's Nick. I honestly didn't know who to expect. He hands over some toilet paper for me to wipe my mouth, and I gladly take it. "Feeling better?" He asks me as I try to clean myself. "Not really." I respond, throwing the toilet paper into the toilet, and flushing it. "Wanna talk to me about what you said last night?" Nick asks me.

About what I said? I don't remember everything!

"Oh no... What did I say?" My eyes widen, afraid of what I might have said or done to him. "So you're one of those drunks!" Nick laughs at me. "You kind of mentioned something about you and Noah doing things last night." My heart drops. I remember being in the bathroom with Noah last night. I don't remember getting to that point. I know I absolutely enjoyed it.

"I, uh..." I trail off, not really knowing what to say at this point. "It's okay Viv. You can tell me what you want to when you want to." I feel relieved by his statement. I'm silent for a moment before speaking again. "I miss Noah. I miss being around him." I look to the floor, admitting everything. I feel like I can trust Nick.

"I like Nathan. But I still love Noah. The day I had my first date with Nathan, Noah and I somehow wound up having sex in his car. It wasn't intentional." I look at Nick with tears in my eyes. I hate everything that is going on right now. I wish that everything would go back to the way it was before. Before Noah and I had problems. Nick looks at me as if he is disappointed. He shakes his head, and stands up to leave the bathroom. "Nick?" I call out to him before he walks out.

He turns around to face me, waiting for me to say something. "Please don't tell Noah I said anything. Or Nathan." I plead with Nick, not wanting Noah to find out I talked, and Nathan to know it happened. Nick stays silent, and leaves the bathroom.

I guess he hates me now.

I get off of the bathroom floor, and begin to make sure I have all of my things. Which consists of my phone, as well as my keys. My phone is present, but my keys are gone. I look for Nick within the house, and find him in the living room. "Where are my keys?" I ask. He points towards the kitchen, still not saying a word to me. The silence from him is making me feel disappointed with myself.

Once I grab them, I go back to the living room to tell Nick goodbye. "I don't want you to think I hate you Viv. I just hate what you both have done. Neither of you were good to each other, and it will stay that way the more you both mess around. It becomes unhealthy." He stands up to give me a hug. "I know. I would really just prefer to have him back. We have been through so much together, and I still can't begin to understand how it got to this." I close out the conversation, and leave the messy house.

I make my way home, rethinking everything over and over. Should I tell Nathan everything? Or should I keep it all to myself? I think of a better solution, one that I should've done a long time ago. Therapy.

Once home, I shower for the day, as well as take some medicine for the huge headache from being hungover. I shoot Nathan a text to thank him, but also to apologize for how he must have seen me last night.

Nathan - It's okay. :) I left early because if I'm being 100 percent honest, you got me hard. And I didn't want either of us to act on that.

My dancing from last night floods my brain. Oh my god, that was embarassing! I can't believe I did that. I spend the rest of the day just lounging, and trying to forget, but also remember, every embarassing thing I done the night before.

Sorry this chapter is short! But I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! :)

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