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Noah's POV

That really hurt. To hear Vivian say to just leave her alone. To which, I can't blame her. I played it off when she said it because I dont know what to do honestly. I really want her back. But something in my mind tells me to leave her alone, aside from her saying it.

I really shouldn't have done what I did in there. It was risky. Too risky. I was too into the moment. It would be a bad thing if she got pregnant again.

I'm driving back home from our old house, and something just pops up in my mind. Lyrics... I can use this... I rush home, trying to keep what I've came up with in my head. I bolt through the front door once I'm home, and I startle Jolly. "You okay man?" He asks, setting down the food he was eating. "I didn't know you were up. Sorry. But I have some lyrics in my mind to go with what we came up with and I have to get them out."

He jumps up, and follows me to the room we use as a studio. I jot them down on a piece of paper, then decide how the rhythm would go. Jolly figures out the rhythm, then makes me get into the booth. "We'll put instruments to it later. Just throw it down how I told you." I put the headphones on, listening to the metrenome beep through. He points at me, giving me the go ahead.

You can be all I got, what's the difference?
Hennessy and a lot of bad decisions
All I know, all I know is bad, bad decisions

Bitter ends to the nights
I'm along for the ride
Out of breath, out of time
Everything has a price

Jolly stops the recording, and give me some more tips. "We can double up lyrics, to make it a chorus. Just change the 'hennessy' to 'you and me'. It'll fit perfectly." He adds in some more lyrics to make it a complete song, and I fit them into the rhythm. Once I'm done, I come out to meet him at the computer. He adds a few layers, as well as shortening some parts.

"I think it's done man. Just need some instruments on top of it. Want me to send it over to Nick and Folio?" Jolly looks over at me. I nod my head, and make my way over to the kitchen to grab a water. I look at the time, and realize that it's 3:30 in the morning. I have work today. I decide to shoot my manager a text, coming up with an excuse to why I won't be there.

I'm just going to sleep all day, fuck it. I tell Jolly goodnight once he comes into the kitchen, and I head straight to bed. It was a long, but interesting night. I have a lot of thinking to do.


Vivian's POV

It's now 7 in the morning, and I hear the front door open. I've sat out here all morning, contemplating on whether I should even tell Nathan what's going on or just tell him that I can't handle this right now. I look over, and he's walking out the front door rubbing his eyes. "Hey, how long have you been out here?" His sleepy voice sounds adorable. God, I hate this.

"Since about 2 this morning." I say, not making eye contact. Nathan sits down in the chair next to me. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He places a hand on my thigh, trying to look at me in the face.

"I'm not. I have to talk to you." I glance up at him for a second, tears slightly filling my eyes. Nathan doesn't say a thing, as if he is waiting for me to continue. I sigh deeply. "That guy that you're training, Noah. He's my ex. My recent ex." He continues to stare at me confused.

"Okay? You don't have to worry about that Viv." Nathan tries to reassure me. I shake my head at him. "No, that's not my point. I just... I don't know if it is a good idea to drag you into this." I tell him. "Vivian, I'm here for you. Not for him. I was actually going to ask you later on if you were ready to meet my kids. I've told them about you. They're excited to meet you!" My heart drops immediately. No... I can't meet his kids. I can't do this to him.

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