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Vivian's POV

Ever since that day I told Lola that I wouldn't cover for her, she's been acting weird to me at work. I didn't realize it would be such an issue for her that I didn't do her job. I don't like it when people move different around me. I absolutely hate drama. Since I have noticed, I've been looking for a different job. I think it is time for me to find something bigger and better either way. Today is my fifth session with Nathan, and I think he is doing great at helping me.

We've started to have regular conversation with each other about our lives. However, I haven't told him much about Noah and I. I've learned that Nathan has a 3 year old daughter with someone else. But he made sure to make it clear that him and the mother weren't together. And reassured me that they do well at coparenting.

I feel like he has a small crush on me, and I can't lie, I do too. But for me, it's more of a physical crush. He looks great, but I don't know too much about him. I probably won't make any move, and I pray that he won't either. It would be better if neither of us acted on it because I don't think that I can handle that right now. I just started to get on my feet.

I walk into the gym, and sign in. I immediately make my way over to the room that Nathan and I use to wait on him. I start doing stretches, and I soon hear his voice boom through the room. "Forgive me if I am out of line, but you look good today!" Nathan says, setting down his reusable water bottle. I blush a little, standing up straight. I know exactly what he is talking about, and I definately don't know how to feel about it. He walked in while I was bent over doing toe touches. I know it was nothing to do with my gym clothes.

"You're good!" I reassure him. I like the compliment, in all honesty. Once we finish stretching, he moves on to what I'm focusing on today. "So, to make sure, you've been following the food regimen I gave you?" He asks. I sadly have. It has been bland and boring. "Yes. The first day I didn't which was because I didn't have anything. But since then I have." He makes me set down the weights he had me using, and motions for me to follow him. "Today, I actually think we're going to use one of the machines out on the floor." I immediately get nervous, as for I had gotten used to being separated from the rest of the gym population.

"Would you rather work on your core today, or glutes?" He asks, pointing out 2 different machines. "I think I'll do core today." I follow Nathan over to the machine that focus's on your core. He instructs me on how to use it, and reminds me on how to engage the muscle that I am trying to work out. "3 sets of 10." He gives me a goal to work towards. I start out, and it seems simple. After a few, I start to feel the burn. As I'm on set 2, I stop dead in my tracks, nearly slamming the weights back down on the machine.

It's Noah?

"Are you okay?" Nathan asks, checking on me to make sure I didn't hurt anything. But I'm stuck on Noah. He doesn't see me, but he looks great. "Yeah, uhm.. I think I have to end this session early today." I tell Nathan, getting up from the machine. "What's wrong? Is someone making you uncomfortable?" Nathan tries to figure out what I'm looking at, but I look back at him. "Oh, no. I just don't feel great. I'll see you Monday!" I grab my water bottle as quick as possible, and exit the gym through the side door.

I rush out to my car, and feel my anxiety rising tremendously. I jumble with my car keys, and finally get the car started. I look over and notice that Noah is staring out of the building while the desk lady is talking to him. Please tell me that he didn't see me.

I peel out of the parking lot, trying to get away from there as fast as possible. Tears start to fall down silently. I haven't seen him in months, and seeing him just now broke me. I want him back so badly, but he won't even talk to me. Other than letting me know that he forked over money to pay the bills.

Once I pull into the driveway, I sit in my car for a moment. What was he doing at the gym? Did he know I was there? I think to myself. How am I supposed to do this if he's there with me. How am I supposed to get over him? I shoot Nathan a text and apologise.

Me - I'm sorry for fleeing like that. I promise it won't happen again.

Nathan - It's all good, I just hope you're okay. Again, let me know if I'm out of line, but would you like to hang out and talk about it?

I think about it for a second. Would I be open to hanging out with Nathan outside of his technical job? I mean, I don't have any other friends, other than Nick. But this is someone that I don't quite see as a friend. This is someone I find attractive. I shoot him a text, letting him know that he could come over. I send the address, and make my way inside to shower.

I meet Nathan at the door, and invite him in. He's still wearing his gym clothes, while I have already showered and changed into some basic night clothes. "You have a fantastic house! You live here alone?" Nathan smiles, taking in the view of Noah and I's big, lonely house. "Yeah. I do." I sigh, as I was reminded that I'm alone. "So, is everything okay?" He asks as I lead him to the living room. I choose not to tell him, as to freak him out in any way. "Oh, yeah. I'm just having sort of an off day." Nathan nods his head, to say that he understands.

We sit and talk about random things, mainly about each other. "I don't want you to feel like I'm coming on too strong, so tell me to shut up if I am. But would you want to maybe go on a date sometime?" Nathan looks down to his lap, blushing. I do the same, before I look back to him. I decide to jump the gun, and go for it. "I would love to." I suprise myself sometimes. I left because I seen Noah, and now I'm accepting a date from someone else.

"That's great! Once I figure out my schedule, I will definately let you know and find a time that you're free." Nathan smiles at me with the biggest amount of enthusiasm. He for sure has a cute smile.

I follow him outside to tell him goodbye for today. I wave as he pulls out of the driveway, and I turn to go back inside. This is crazy. What am I thinking?

Nathan and I know very little about each other. But I remind myself that it was the same way with Noah. It was also the same way with Matt... I shake my head to rid myself of the thought. I can't ruin this before it even begins. I make myself one of the boring meals that I guess you can say I was "prescribed", and I sit down to watch TV while I eat.

I clean up my mess once I'm done with dinner, and I head straight to the bed. Instead of falling asleep immediately, I wind up scrolling through my phone for hours. To which, I regret because I have to open the store tomorrow morning. I rub my eyes, trying to rid myself of the strain that I have put on them. I force myself to put my phone down to go to sleep. I am going to be miserable tomorrow.

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