Another thought shot through my mind, one that made me wince. I can't let anyone see me like this. Vulnerable and weak. Being almost mated to the Alpha came with authority and a position of pride amongst the pack—a greatly coveted position for those looking to advance. I'd made sure to maintain friendly relationships with everyone, but who knew when someone would get it in their head to throw down the gauntlet.

Maybe that's the best thing. Have someone challenge me and let them win. It would solve everyone's problem. Even before the thought was completed, it made me choke. Yes, things felt dire at the moment, but this wasn't me. I wasn't a wolf to just lie down and bare my throat without a fight. I may feel like a failure, but I would never do something so cowardly—so unbecoming and faint-hearted.

No, I need to just leave. Get out of bed, pack a few things, and go into hiding. Mason will eventually forget me and stop looking. If I run far enough, maybe I can start again.

My wolf growled at the idea, showing me just how distasteful my musings were. Mason had reached her earlier and she was now fiercely loyal to him. She didn't want to hear any nonsense about leaving. Besides, she warned me, Mason would never stop looking, and he'd bring in other packs to help. The only way to avoid that was to go rogue, and the idea bristled against my pride. I was too much of a "pack" girl to ever go at it alone.

What am I going to do?

You're going to stop thinking and just let me hold you, a voice as warm as melted chocolate echoed through my mind and slid over my body. I stopped my rocking and opened my eyes, looking for the source.


I'm here. Just waiting and watching.

A rustle from the corner of the room drew my attention, and I found him—the man who made my heart sing and dance, sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. A closer look showed he was still in the same clothes from yesterday, giving him a crumpled look I couldn't deny was sexy. Each time I looked at him, it stole my heart, and it hurt to know I'd lost him.

"What are you doing down there? Something wrong with the chair?" I looked over to the plush armchair I had everyone drag in for me, and I instantly saw the problem—it was covered with piles of unfolded clothes. Being a procrastinator, I'd never got around to putting them away.

"I wanted you to rest, but couldn't bring myself to leave. You tossed and turned a lot."

Speaking aloud, Mason's voice had the same effect over me. To some, he just sounded like an ordinary guy, but as a werewolf I could feel the authority and power flowing through it. I could also hear his weariness and sorrow.

"You didn't want to share my bed?" I couldn't believe how small I sounded as I spoke my fears. It hurt knowing he found me so repulsive he'd rather sit on a hard floor than beside me.

I closed my eyes again, hoping to hide from his answers. If he was going to break it off with me, I'd rather not see it coming. Maybe I was a coward.

There was a slight noise before I felt the mattress lower as Mason sat down beside me. I instantly began rocking again, my body moving involuntarily, and it was seconds before I was encased in strong arms.

"I'm sorry about Jasmine. I'm sorry I couldn't save her. I'm sorry." I couldn't finish my sentence.

The calming, potent scent of wolf mixed with Mason hit me and I filled my lungs with it, memorizing it for future use. My heartbeat sought out his and slowed itself to match. My chest rose and fell in time with his. For the first time since I awoke, I felt some semblance of peace.

The Mystic WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now