*||Chapter 5||*

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a/n: there will be a heavy flashback of rape, including some drug abuse-if you are uncomfortable with those topics, please skip the parts marked with the asterisk

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a/n: there will be a heavy flashback of rape, including some drug abuse-if you are uncomfortable with those topics, please skip the parts marked with the asterisk.

I sighed, shaking off any and all thoughts about the meeting I just had with him. Again, he isn't worth it. From the reputation I've built up, a perfect, clean slate of marble, I didn't need to associate with him, nor did I need that type of relationship to ruin my production team as well.

I pushed myself off of the bed, before hopping into the shower for about five minutes. I wasn't going to take a long one, and I had a feeling that the twins were going to call or text me any minute, either asking where I was or if I was ready to go.

Fuck. We have to see Crystal again for the auditions! How did I forget this?! I thought, absolutely horrified at how I completely blanked.

I shook my head, quickly brushing my teeth as I let myself dry off. I had to be as focused as possible today; I couldn't let dickheads like Crystal, as handsome as he is, distract me from my main goal.

Just as I had begun to change, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, frowning when there was no contact. Weird.

"Hello?" I was trying to sound as formal as possible, while trying to balance the phone in my hand and putting my clothes on. For todays outfit, I'd just picked out white shorts, a white crop-top, and red heels.

"Imani!" Miguel's voice came out of the phone in a gasp.

"Huh? Miguel? Why are you calling-wait, how come your number doesn't appear as 'Miguel' in my phone?" I was confused as fuck. Thankfully, I'd finally finished putting my clothes on, and was ready to go. Even though I was going to leave with only my phone, I could've brought a purse. However, I figured that I didn't really need it; if I needed to pay, I'd do it through my phone.

"Sorry for the surprise, Ani," Mike interrupted, "this idiot forgot to charge his phone overnight, and he just realized that as soon as we got to the lobby. So-"

"Do you think you can grab my phone and a charger? I think I have one in my backpack, and my phone should be somewhere in the bathroom, around the sink maybe?" Miguel butted back in.

"Sure, but-I'll need one of your keycards to get in," I said with a grimace. I heard him groan in the background as Mike cussed at him.

"Fuck! Whatever, it's fine-I'll just have to survive on Mike's phone," Miguel huffed.

"What's wrong with my phone?" Mike snapped.

"Yours is glitchy as fuck!"

"Oh, and yours isn't?!"

"Goodbye!" I snapped into the phone, before I hung up with a roll of my eyes. The twins were always having a go at each other, and it could get very annoying. I stepped out of my room, double-checking that my keycard was safely stored in one of the pockets in my shorts and shut the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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