||Chapter 4||

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 I yawned, wincing as I tried to stretch

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I yawned, wincing as I tried to stretch. My body was aching so bad. I knew I was in for a hell of a day.

I snuggled under the covers even more, wanting to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes, groaning as the bright sunlight ignored the curtains and went straight into my face.

"Can this stupid motherfucker not even afford proper curtains?" I grumbled, flinging the sheets off of me and sitting up. I hadn't taken any time whatsoever to look around, seeing as how I'd barely gotten all my makeup off from last night, brushed my teeth, before just throwing on some pajamas and falling into a deep sleep.

But I wasn't about to look around. I refused to admire anything that had even the slightest correlation whatsoever to fucking dickhead Crystal.

I grabbed my phone, heading into the bathroom. As I began to brush my teeth, I noticed a whole stream of messages from the crew's group chat. Rolling my eyes, I unlocked my phone. I bet my head it had something to do with breakfast arrangements. I mentally prepared myself to see whatever kind of bullshit was being discussed.

Joe: when tf can we eat?

Scarlett: idfk, ask one of the twins

Mike: how tf do we have anything to do with this? use ur fcking legs and get smth

Miguel: sorry abt him, scarlett, he apparently didnt get enough sleep and is now being a bitch abt it

Scarlett: no worries

Luke: hold up, didnt crystal say some shit about a private breakfast for us

Mike: when tf did he say that?

Luke: i overheard him yesterday, talking to one of those maid people thingys

Morgan: "maid people thingys"

Christian: might get cancelled for that one, luke

Luke: stfu

Joe: im too old for this shit

Morgan: you were shitting buckets of ramen yesterday, so i think youre fine

Kiara: ew wtf joe! is that why it smelled like a rats nest mixed with sardines on the plane?

Joe: what the actual fuck

Miguel: kiara how do you know what that smells like

Kiara: dont change the subject

Ace: wtf did i wake up to

Mike: welcome to chaos

Ace: my curtains are pieces of shit, the sun is literally going right thru them

Scarlett: omfg same

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