||Chapter 3||

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Sighing, I opened my eyes, sitting up

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Sighing, I opened my eyes, sitting up. A sea of sky-blue met my eyes. I gasped, turning around, only to realize that I was situated on a cloud. What the fuck? I thought in horror, my eyes widening. Looking around, I saw nothing but a clear, sunny sky, yet something caught my eye. How odd. It looked like the ghost, or maybe a spirit, or something of a man was staring at me. Greyish-white hair in a slicked-back, formal style. Tan skin. Piercing, heavenly blue eyes that seemed to invade my soul. My body leaned forward automatically for a closer look, and in an instant, he was gone.

"What the hell is going on? Díos," I grumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes. I took a moment to let my thoughts flow without interruption.

I felt...free. Free of stress, free of pain, free of, well...everything! It was like being high. So, so high. I rarely had time to relax.

I flopped onto my back, breathing out heavily. Was this what heaven was like? My eyes began to close. Back to-


I gasped, jerking awake. Mike was standing over me with a slight grin. Miguel was slightly ahead of him, waking up everyone else.

"¡Despierta, chica!" Mike said in a quiet voice, grinning. I sighed, but smiled.

"Thanks for not yelling," I yawned, stretching. "How many minutes before we land?"

"Err," Mike frowned, scratching his chin as he straightened up, "about an hour, I think?"

"Hmm, all right," I mused, before standing up, stretching again. God, I was tired as fuck.

I could hear my crew members waking up with grumbles and yawns, the quiet greetings and questions. It sounded so familiar. It was like second nature to me. I loved it.

Opening the overhead compartment, I grabbed my large duffel bag, which contained a variety of dresses, makeup, heels, and whatever I might need for a red carpet entrance. I had no idea what to wear, though. The travel was just so fucking tiring.

"Kiara!" I called back, looking over my shoulder.

"Yes?" she answered, already holding a bunch of stuff in her hands, presumably the outfit she was going to change into.

"What do I wear?" I asked in a whiny tone. "I'm tired and I don't wanna think."

Kiara laughed. "I feel that! Honestly, I'd say be as glamorous as you can without overdoing it. After all, it's Redshore City!" she exclaimed with jazz hands, and I chuckled, nodding.

Walking towards the bathroom, I squeezed my way through the aisle, mumbling apologies as I accidentally hit people. Stupid duffel bag.

When I entered the bathroom, I sighed in relief as the chaos on both decks began, locking the door. I called said chaos 'Dresses and Drama' since everyone would be scrambling on what to wear. Well, 'everyone' more or less translated into us women. The men would just wear tuxedos and drink whatever they could before landing. I smiled to myself, unzipping my bag. In the biggest compartment, there were so many dresses, each one being completely different than the next.

Jimmy Crystal x OC || Oriri de PhoeniceWhere stories live. Discover now