||Characters of Oriri de Phoenice||

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Hello, and thank you so much for taking the time to read this story! If you did not read the description, I have provided a brief synopsis (summary) of what this book will be about.

Summary: This book will follow the main character Imani Phoenix as she tries to navigate a world of greed, fame, and money, as well as how she begins to learn the real truth about everything; her parents, her family, her childhood, and even her feelings. Oriri de Phoenice will be written as if the characters were human. It will also follow the basic storyline/events of Sing 2, but will deviate from the plot.

WARNING: This is very important, so please read. This was covered in the description, but I will say it again. This story will contain very heavy topics such as rape, drug abuse, drug dealing, gang violence, sexual assult, and more. Any chapters containing one or more of these topics will be marked with an asterisk (*), as well as a bolded warning before it begins.

And now, I present to you, the cast of Oriri de Phoenice!

Imani Phoenix.

Imani Phoenix

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James "Jimmy" Crystal

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James "Jimmy" Crystal.

James "Jimmy" Crystal

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Jimmy Crystal x OC || Oriri de PhoeniceWhere stories live. Discover now