9. Laughing and Maggie

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*Arabella pov*

Instead of waking up to the noise of birds as I thought I would since we are in the damn forest I woke to screams. God! Don't they know how to be quite! I wanna sleep! What are they!?!Animals! Even Ash doesn't bark this loudly.

Groaning I put the cushion pillow above my head wanting nothing but to kick those brothers out and sleep. Like who the hell wake up this early in the morning. If it wasn't great before  now there's stamping of foots coming up making it all the more fabulous. Note the sarcasm. Ugh! I just wanna sleep. Is it too much to ask?

Peaking out of the temporary tent I made last night I see twins and Emiliano running up the stairs and going to the kitchen where the noise is coming from. Ugh! What did they do now!

Mumbling incoherent words I also got out and put my ponytail in a messy bun going to the kitchen to see why on earth are they screaming like a banshee. And oh boy! I didn't think I have ever wanna laugh do badly like this in my entire existence.

Standing beside Leonardo I can barely make out the room which is supposed to be the kitchen. Mixer rotating without the lid on spilling the gross green inside it everywhere. The toaster having burned bread in it is also burned and finally the pan on the stove with fire on whatever is in it. Looking at the three alien species as they ran I swear I never wanted to bury my face in the pillow like now.

Alfonso running with the pan on fire towards the tap to put it off. Antonio trying to pull the burnt bread out but ended up burning his hands and now my favourite, Domenico trying to switch off the mixer while covered in the green drink makes me put my hands on my mouth to not let any sound come out. I don't wanna die this young. I have a whole life ahead on myself.

But it's funny.

I know.

I wanna laugh so badly.

Oh we will not do that. I still have to live a lazy life.


No buts. We have to live to chase the boys away from our darlings.

Fine. You are not fun.

Good to know.

After finishing the debate with my subconscious mind I saw Lorenzo running in the kitchen with a fire extinguisher tackling us in the way. I would have fall if Riccardo didn't catch me by my wrist. He brought me towards his side and put a hand on my shoulder to keep me in place. Normally I would have flinched and pushed him away but I don't know why my body didn't react to it. Even though I was stiff but I didn't try to get out of his hands. It's almost felt safe to be there.

Yu are weird.

Shut up. As of you are any different. Don't forget we are the same person and you live in my head without paying any rent.

As I said weird.

Rolling my eyes at the conversation I have with myself I looked up to see Lorenzo putting off the fire on the pan while also spraying the three brothers in it. After the fire is out there was pin dropped silence as everyone looked towards the exotic species that are termed as humans covered in white foam from head to toe giving Santa Claus vibes. The only difference is it's not Christmas yet.

Looking at one brother to another I had to bit my lips but all the efforts when to drain when I look at the oldest one. Standing beside the mixer that he learned to turn off with green and white foam covering his once stoic face standing in just his sweatpants I laughed out loud.

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