"Your eyes, I need to see it in your eyes. You have never met Harkonnens before, I have. They're not human they're brutal!" Gurney yelled in their faces.

Aliyah stepped back, hiding herself behind Paul as Gurney got up in their faces. Paul noticed and took her hand in his own.

"You have to be ready" Gurney said, placing one hand on both their heads, before leaving.

The two stood in shock for a moment, before Aliyah pulled Paul into an embrace.
"I don't wanna go anymore" she whispered, tears in her eyes.

"What if you get hurt!" She cried.

Paul simply hugged her back before saying.
"I won't let anything happen to you, and I'll never leave you, I promise" he finished kissing her head.


That night, Paul and Aliyah lay in Pauls bed, sound asleep, Aliyah had her head on his chest, and Paul was in the middle of a dream again.

"Paul" Aliyah whispered to him in his dream.

"Paul wake up" Jessica said.

"What's wrong?" He asked groggily.

"Get dressed and come with me" Jessica told him, taking out some clothes from his wardrobe.

He gently got up, trying his best not to wake Aliyah. He then got dressed before heading out to meet his mother.

He walked up to the end of the corridor seeing his mother standing with Dr Yueh.

"What is this?" He whispered.

"The reverend mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is here. She was my teacher at the Bene Gesserit school. She's now Truthsayer to the Emperor himself. She would like to meet you" Jessica explained.

"Why" Paul asked.

"She wants to know about your dreams" Jessica said nervously looking at the ground.

"How does she know about my dreams?" Paul asked.

"And why is doctor Yueh here?" He added confused.

"He only needs a moment" She said, before turning around.

"Hello young Master, your mother asked me to check your vitals" He said, placing his hand on the side of Paul's head.

"What's happening" Paul asked in a quiet voice.

Dr Yeah answered him in Mandarin
"The Bene Gesserit say that they serve the greater good. But meaning no disrespect to your Lady mother, they also serve their own designs." He finished.

"What are you saying" Paul asked in Mandarin.

"Go carefully," Dr Yueh answered.

"His heart in strong as ever my lady" Dr Yueh told Jessica.

Jessica nodded before using sign language to say
"Tell no one of this"

Just as Paul was to go inside, Jessica signed
"Remember your training" before pulling her hood up and opening the door.

"Defiance in the eyes, like his father. Leave us" The reverend mother said to Jessica.

"You must do very thing the Reverend mother tells you" Jessica whispered to her son before leaving.

"You dismiss my mother in her own house" Paul says.

"Come here, kneel" She says.

Paul does as she says, being forced to by the voice. "How dare you use the voice on me" he says.

𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 - 𝙿𝙰𝚄𝙻 𝙰𝚃𝚁𝙴𝙸𝙳𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now