Chapter Twenty Two

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"You can't be serious, right? I can't marry you. Mother, he isn't even a Muslim," I spoke, glancing at my mother.

"Yazia, I am a Muslim," he said, and I felt the ground shake beneath my feet. Why don't I know anything?

"Do you remember I was gone for around a month when you got married?" he reminded me, and I nodded. "I was gone to UAE," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I know you don't want to marry me, but you have to," he said, making me scoff. "What does this mean now?" I asked, and he threw a bundle of newspapers in front of me. Those disgusting photos printed on them and so much crap was written on them. I felt disgusted just reading the headings. They were talking bad not only about me but also about my religion too.

"The only way to wipe this dirt off your name is to marry you. We will announce that we were married but we hid it," he explained, tucking his hand back in his pockets, and I dropped myself on the sofa, holding my head in my hands. It would've been easier to just sit in that room, isolating myself and dying there. Since I was born, this world has never been easy on me. Why does everyone hate me so much?

My mother sat beside me, rubbing her hands against my back. "I tried to hide these newspapers, but some neighbors came to your father and taunted him. I couldn't hide it from him. Forgive me," she said, making me bite my lower lip and wrap my arms around her. "It's okay, Mom," I sighed. "I came to Mr. Min for help, and he agreed," she added, and I nodded, letting go of her.

"But won't they question about Zayn?" I asked, looking at Mr. Min. He walked towards the big glass sliding doors of his living room. His hands in his pockets, he looked out of the glass. "It will be a secret forever, and this secret was buried with Zayn," he said, looking at me, making me lower my head as I controlled my tears. "His parents will not cause any nuisance," he added, making me sigh.

What am I going to do, Allah? Why is it so hard? He has a girlfriend. How can I marry him? I will be treated like a mistress. I will be hurt. But my image. If I don't marry him, people will kill my family with their taunts. People will raise their fingers on my character. I don't care about myself, but my religion and family.

"I am ready," I looked at him with my icy gaze, and he nodded. He called someone on the phone while I sat there, thinking about my life. I could never take my own decision. Why am I even living? My mother kept comforting me, but that didn't help. My heart was hammering against my chest. I am getting married to Mr. Min. Mr. Min.

When I walked out of Nazli's apartment, I never thought that I would be married to Mr. Min. I was nervous. Excited? I couldn't understand my feelings. I was getting anxious.

Soon, Hoseok and an elderly man came. That man smiled at me and sat on a couch opposite me. Hoseok sat beside that man, and Mr. Min sat beside me. I couldn't control my heart. I couldn't help but blush. I kept my head low, hiding my crimson cheeks.

The man started to speak, and after some time,

"Min Yoongi, son of late Min Yong-Eul and Late Min Wonhae. Yazia Hussain, daughter of Hussain Yilmaz and Zehra Yilmaz. Do you accept Yazia Hussain as your wife?" I curled my fingers, feeling a tingling sensation in my stomach. This is definitely not how I imagined it.

"I accept," his deep voice made chills run down my spine. My heart skipped a beat.

"Do you accept Yazia Hussain as your wife?"

"I accept," he repeated, and I kept myself from smiling.

"I do," his words made me look up at him to see him looking down at me with a smile.

"Yazia Hussain, daughter of Hussain Yilmaz and Zehra Yilmaz. Do you accept Min Yoongi, son of Late Min Yong-Eul and late Min Wonhae, as your husband with a Mahr of 2 billion won?" That much?!?!?

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