Thirty One

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Emergency laparoscopic appendectomy at 28 weeks gestation for acute appendicitis.

I had to assist Miss Ji-Eun in this surgery. Doctor Tanju chose me for this surgery,"Are you sure you want to do this? If you want, I can talk to Dr. Ferman; he will talk to Tanju sir," said Nazli, and I shook my head. "I need to get out of my bubble. I am not raised like that, Nazli. I never back off. I will perform this surgery," I said with full confidence, and she smiled.

My heart ached knowing I will never be happy like other women. I will never have a baby. Nazli placed her hand on mine, giving me a worried look, and I smiled weakly at her. "Don't worry about me," I smiled, and she sighed. "I shall get going now. It's not good to make a pregnant lady wait," I chuckled, and she nodded with a smile.

I walked out of the assistant's room with a sigh as my fake smile fell. I tugged my hands in my lab coat. As I entered the surgery room, the sterile smell of disinfectant hit me, making me slightly dizzy. Miss Ji-Eun, the experienced doctor leading the operation, gave me a reassuring nod. Suhi, our patient, lay on the table, her face etched with worry but determination shining in her eyes.

"Are you ready, Yazia?" Miss Ji-Eun asked, her voice calm yet firm.

I nodded, trying to mask my nerves. "Yes, I'm ready," I replied, trying to sound confident.

The surgery began smoothly, with Miss Ji-Eun guiding my hands through each step. But then, we encountered a complication. Suhi's appendix had ruptured, spreading infection throughout her abdomen.

"We've got a rupture," Miss Ji-Eun said, her tone urgent. "We need to act quickly to contain the infection."

My heart raced as we scrambled to address the issue. I could feel the weight of responsibility bearing down on me as we worked to stabilize Suhi's condition.

"Pass me the forceps," Miss Ji-Eun instructed, her voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

I handed her the instrument, trying to keep my hands from trembling. "Here you go," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Minutes felt like hours as we labored tirelessly, our focus unwavering despite the mounting pressure. But finally, our efforts paid off. Suhi's condition stabilized, and we were able to safely deliver her baby.

As the cries of the newborn filled the room, a sense of relief washed over me. A pang of sadness lingered in my heart. Holding the tiny bundle in my arms, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing for a child of my own. The baby held my finger, and I felt a smile tug on my lips. I couldn't help but feel jealous of my own patient. I handed the baby to the nurse so she could clean him.

My eyes fell on the observation to see Dr. Tanju and Yoongi standing there. My heart hammered painfully in my chest when I saw Yoongi's expression. His hands tucked in his pockets and his expression was hard to read. He looked at me and then the baby. I sighed, taking off my mask and walking outside.

I took off my surgical gown and gloves, washing my hands. I bit my lip trying to hold myself together. A familiar scent filled my nostrils, and I drew a deep breath turning back. "You could've refused," I heard his soothing voice and sighed. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. "I had to step out of my comfort zone," I closed my eyes feeling his touch.

"Why are you torturing yourself, my love?" He pulled me in a hug, and I sighed placing my head on his chest. "I felt so happy when I held that baby, Yoongi," my voice cracked. "Maybe I am not good enough to be a mother. That's why all this is happening," I whispered while he drew circles on my back with his thumb. "It's just a test, Yazia. You are going to be the best Mom in the world. I guarantee." He kissed the top of my head. "We will be parents, Inshallah. I trust my lord. He won't let us down," he said, and I sighed.

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