Chapter Six

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"Ali sit down for a minute".Yazia said and I shook my head running here and there in worry."You don't understand Yazia.We performed his surgery he can breathe now but he isn't able to talk."I said and she sat there on the chair with a serious expression on her face."I can understand Ali but his parents aren't letting us to perform this surgery.What can we do."She said making me hold my head."You are not understanding.He needs to speak.He needs to speak for himself."I said and she sighed.

"My mind isn't working right now.But yeah just to let you know I support you.That boy needs to speak."She said making me smile.
"Thank you Yazia."I said and she smiled.I fiddled with my fingers trying to think of a solution.I looked at Yazia who was playing with music box placed on the table as she was lost in her thoughts.My eyes widened and I smiled as I got an idea.

"Rib graft larygnogoplasty."I exclaimed making her jump on her seat."You scared me."She placed her hand on her chair.

"Dr Yazia.We take soft tissue from Jungwon's ribcage and use it to reconstruct his vocal cords.This procedure could potentially give him the ability to speak."I said making her eyes twinkle as she smiled."Allah..Ali you are so clever.Lets go to Dr Ferman."She said as we quickly ran outside.

We saw the new owner of the hospital in our way towards Ferman sir's office.I felt Yazia's body tense up."Good Afternoon Mr Min."I greeted and he nodded.He glanced at Yazia who looked at him and then looked at the floor.

What's going on with them."Dr Ali Where are you going?"He asked and I smiled."You would be pleased to hear that we found a solution that can help jungwon speak.We are going to Dr Ferman to share this news with him."I said and he chuckled flashing his gummy smile.He seemed very mean but I don't think he is mean."Best of Luck."He said and Glanced at Dr Yazia one more time who was ignoring him.

We walked towards Dr Ferman's office and I looked at Dr Yazia."What's going on between you both?"I asked as i looked at her making her eyes widen."Allah Allah.What are you talking about Ali?  Astagfirullah! I have nothing to do with that man."She said and I nodded.Before I could ask further questions she walked in Ferman Sir's office making me smile.There is something definitely.She is trying to ignore my questions.

"Dr Ferman.Dr Ali found a way in which we can help Jungwon"She said straught away without letting Dr Ferman speak.

"Go on Ali."He sighed as he didn't say anything to Yazia.He was used to her behaviour.

"Rib Graft Laryngoplasty,"I began catching Dr Ferman's attetion."It's a surgical technique where we take soft tissue from Jungwon's ribcage and use it to reconstruct his vocal cords.This could potentially enable him to speak."

Dr Ferman listened attentively,nodding as I explained the procedure in more detail."It's an interesting approach,Ali.But have you considered the risks and challenges involved in,especially given Jungwon's age?"

"Yes sir."I replied."We understand the complexities involved,but given Jungwon's current situation,We believe its worth exploring further."

Dr.Ferman leaned back in his chair,contemplating our proposal."I'll review the case in more detail.I support your idea Ali but the problem is his parents.We just have to covince them."

Yazia chimed in,her voice filled with determination."He deserves the chance to communicate like any other child of his age.So dont worry Dr Ferman I will give my best to convince the parents."

Dr. Ferman nodded,acknowledging  our dedication."I appreciate your effortd,both of you"

"I'll go convince Jungwon's parents."Yazia said as she walked out of the office.I looked  at  Dr Ferman and he looked at me giving me a soft smile."Good job Ali."He said and I nodded my head with a slight smile.

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