Chapter 6: Jacksons pov

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I know I've got business to do but Amanda is eating at my mind. I cannot manage to get her out of my head, she's throwing off my attention in the battle field. Damn this girl, why did she have to come at such a rough time. All I want to do is wrap her up and place her thick little body on my lap and take advantage of her completing our mating process. I know she wants it everything about her body and energy gives it away. She is so submissive to me. It's the sexiest thing. I could tell her to die for me and she would. She's my true Luna queen. I've never seen such an amazing woman before in my life.

Her lips left tingles on mine driving my wolf to snarl at her, making her submit herself just as so, she did. Goddess knows I kept myself from grabbing her by the throat and marking her right then and there, making sure everyone knew she was mine and only mine. I knew she was mine when I smelled her scent enter the plane. She smelled like Vanilla and cinnamon mixed with sleep. I could make a candle out of her scent and it would never amount to how amazing her aroma was.


Something hits me in the side of the face across my cheek bone causing me to jerk back to reality. A pacific mutt just hit me with a freaking arrow laced with vervain. I howl out and hinder down with a snarl transforming into a tall black timid beast ready to rip its throat out. Dad wouldn't appreciate me allowing this to get as far as it did and I launch over my sister's wolf which was red with white tents laced through her fur, and I land on my target pinning him to the ground. He reminded me of a little slick laying beneath of me. My paw completely over sized him and I snarl into his face, dragging my claw across his face giving him the mark of a traitor. The mark sends these men and women to silver cells after death, which the moon goddess corrects them as they are there and could be there for life times.

I release him, and let out an ear piercing growl, everyone holds themselves at a halt. I am so tired of messing around, I am over it, I will lay all these men down into the ground right now! I call upon the goddess as lightning enters my body from the ground. My eyes lighting up bright blue with electricity scaring everyone around even my sister. She's never seen this side of me before and neither have I. I must have unlock more of my abilities when I found my mate and marked her. I feel more powerful than ever. I let out a snarl and transform back into human form still full of electricity, smashing my fist down into the ground, I expelled the electricity out of my body splitting the dirt for about what seemed 2 miles wide and long, making everyone collapse from under themselves. My sister was safe somehow, she had no idea. I wonder what she's got to say about this.
I stand there for a long moment and announce in a thundering roar you will and shall stop this nonsense, you will treat one another with love and respect. If I have to come back out to this battle field or to your coven I will disintegrate each and every single soul that steps beyond my demands. I turn whipping my hair full of sweat and walk away ready to go get my mate.

I am accomplished feeling.
"Jack, how-" How did you do that."
I hear America saying as she runs up to me as I walk away from the battle.
"I don't know mer, I thinks it's the mate bond, I think Amanda has unlocked my god abilities."
I run my fingers through my hair thoroughly before transforming back into my wolf hitting the tree lines. America mind links me as she transforms, " Jack, this is not a normal god power,  I think Amanda is a god , I think her goddess abilities linked to you and awakes your god."
Our paws thud against the ground tearing the soil from beneath of them leaving holes in the ground.
"I know Mer, she's truly more than she's awakened to, I knew she was a queen but I didn't know she was the queen goddess herself, if that means she's the moon goddess's sister, that means I am the full blood hair of the throne, I will always be meant to marry Amanda life time and life time over to rule over the lands while our moon goddess protects us." I linked to America as I started to transform back into human form before getting to the car. All I could do was think about getting back to Amanda,to hold her, to kiss her, to be in her presence. I just wanted to be with my mate!"
I hop into the driver seat as America jumps into the passenger side, I slip the car into gear and squeal the tires sliding the car sideways spinning it into Amanda's direction. The boys Theo and Dustin trail in the side woods behind us to avoid contact with any unwanted propaganda! Finally I smell her, she's near i know she is. I follow her scent until it's completely surrounding me and whip the car into a parking spot behind Amanda's jeep leaving black marks behind my rear wheels. I jump out of the car leaving America  to do her own and I walk up to the front door of the beach house and knock with a loud thud.
There she is. Standing right in my view, jaw dropped to the floor, her long curly black hair draped over her shoulders almost down to her butt, her blue eyes shimmering in the light that excels through the front glass of the door and her beautiful curvy body, is standing right in front of me. I open the door and she runs to me jumping into my arms as I embrace her, rubbing my hand along her ass and up her back tugging at her hair I pull her head back a bit to see her face and I plant my lips light onto her beautiful lips. I deepen this kiss as I dig my one hand into her ass and locking the other into her hair.
" I have missed you beautiful, it's been weeks since I got to do this, finally I am home my queen."
She squeals and hums out a small tune of excitement and exclaims "Jackson I was scared you were never coming back. The girls and I had grown eery and went ahead and completed our bucket list and was planning on tracking you down."
My queen being out there in the battle field looking for me left my stomach and wolf a little unsettled. My queen being in the way of harm. No I will not allow it."
"Amanda, beautiful mate of mine, I will always be back for you, you dare not to step foot into the battle fields and put yourself in harms way or our future children. Your life shall be long and prosperous not short lived." I growl out burrowing my face down into her neck letting a tear slip from my cheek.
" Jack, Amanda!" America waves as she welcomes herself in. " I mean not to bother but I was getting awful bored out in the car and was wondering if I could come introduce myself to my new sister in law." I let out a soft chuckle and sit Amanda back down onto her feet and motion to find a place to sit down.

Finding our seats in the living room America starts off by telling Amanda a few things about herself. "My name is America, I am Jacks sister. I am twenty two years old and I absolutely love you, I head a lot about you from Jack, he quite honestly never shuts up about you but I love it he's been searching for you since he was eighteen and he's twenty-four now. Finally I don't have to hear him grumpy and complain about life." She laughs and the two of them go on for hours until the boys and girls get here and we all sit back and have a movie night. Americas mate died at war a few months ago and I feel terribly sorry for her. I know it must be hard for her to stick around with all of us but I believe the goddess has plans for her to have another mate.

The night grows darker and Amanda has fallen snug asleep in my arms with her face buried into my chest. I haven't feel so calm and relaxed since I got to hold her at the peers... and slowly I doze off right along with her shortly after the others fall asleep

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