Chapter 3: The Bahamas

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I step off of the plane, taking in a deep breath, look around at the palm trees and all of the people standing around with flower necklaces,breezy dresses, shorts, sandals, and smoothies. Everyone here is so tan and I look like a ghost!
"Amanda!!!" Screams Erica as she runs up to us from the lane, waving her hands smiling ear to ear. She wraps her arms around me, then the girls proceeding to ramble on about how much she has missed us since our last vacation. We haven't vacationed for a long time because dad got very busy all of a sudden with orders from the king, being alpha is a hard task and a busy one as well.

"My beautiful baby cousins. Where have you been?"

" we've been at home training and helping mom out with chores around the house since dad is always gone!" Claire blurts rudely as she yanks on her luggage! I can't help but think about Jackson and what my dream meant when I was talking to my Luna wolf! But is she wrong? I did crave his touch and the entire time all I could do was breathe in his amazing scent! I basically drowned myself in drool by the time I woke up! I shifted my gaze and looked around,my hair blowing around in the wind slightly covering my face, I tug it behind my ear and catch his gaze. He's looking at me,oh goddess what do I do?

He glances back to the woman he was flying with and says something, hands her a pen and paper, and runs my way. His hair blows in the wind brushing against his brows and cheeks making him look even sexier. I could stand here and watch him run like this all day. He approaches me and I nearly faint from the fiery sensation I get in my bones,and the tingles that over whelm my body! A look of concern grows over his face when he sees me stagger and I just laugh. It's not a bad thing, but the bad thing can happen because Emerald is forcing herself out. Maybe I do need to let go.

'Let me go , my mate'

"Hey I was just looking for you" he says stopping right in front of me growling deeply within. I know he knows, his wolf is dragging Emerald out. Okay imma let go.
"I was too, I- I" I stutter out right before he grabs me by the waste and holds the back of my head lacing his fingers in my hair. Leaning in he takes a deep breath of my scent and moans "mate" and growls. His growl was so deep and intimidating but somehow reassuring that Emerald takes over in a shallow whimper taking in his scent in and allowing his control! " Mate" I squeal in excitement.

The girls managed to make their way back over to us, we are being bombarded with questions and assumptions. "No way, are you-you found your mate Amanda. Do you know what this means? Mom and dad are going to be so proud of you!" Claire squeals pushing the side of my shoulder. Amelia stands to the side screaming and laughing in joy " Amanda what are you going to do! This was so unplanned. I knew something was up I could sense it all day and when y'all met one on one the energy became excessively strong!" Amelia exclaims. Still wrapped in Jackson's arms I snug myself into his chest getting closer to his aroma and touch. The more he touches me the calmer my wolf becomes. "Y'all go ahead and get the jeep off the cargo and I will meet y'all back at the house okay."
The girls shrug and Erica follows along shortly with a smug look on her face. She's really changed since the last time we've been here. She's become more smug and uptight about who she is and I can tell she's not happy about my accomplishment!

"I didn't know you knew Erica?" Jackson says as he holds me at arms length to look into my eyes.
"Yeah,she's my cousin on dad's side. How do you know her? Matter of fact how do you know her and I not know you before today?" I say shifting myself to an upright position away from
His grip. Confusion started clouding my judgement. 'Maybe we're wrong Emerald, he might be a fuck boy and our emotions is making us feel this way?'
Jackson looks a little shocked and hurt at the same time seeing that I've just pulled away from him.
"I've known Erica for a few years, her dad started working with my dad and he has brought her on a few errands with him. She's pretty cool but I wouldn't be able to tolerate her much longer than a few hours."
Relief and reassurance settles back in and I grab my luggage locking my hand onto his by accident. He's grabbing my luggage for me. "Why are you taking my luggage?"
"I thought I'd help my mate, to the least I've been searching for you and now you're finally here, I can help."

I let go of the luggage and smile, Emerald is spinning in circles happy as hell that she's met her mate but on the other hand me, well I'm scared because I don't trust myself and I don't even know who this dude is. We walk a good two minutes shoulder to shoulder making jokes about our friends and family when I decide to ask about the woman. "Hey, who was the woman you was with, if she's not your mate then she must be-."
Jackson cut me off, "She's my sister America Winchester, dad forced her to go on mission with me to make sure I had backup just in case of a bad accommodation! Not often does it happen but it does happen."
I just glare at him biting my lip " Well she is beautiful! But may I ask what y'all was talking about on the plane flight?"

Jackson scratches his head giving out a deep chuckle side eyeing me. If I wasn't his mate I'd probably drop dead! "You."
"What. W-why me. Was there something wrong with me?" I grew insecure very fast considering their beauty and the thought of him being an f boy had already drained itself in my bones!
"I was telling her how cute you looked while you blushed, and how your emotions was shifting the entire energy. I told her I figured you'd blurt out mate in front of everyone making all heads turn our way but somehow you managed to control yourself. I proceeded to tell her how my wolf was ready to drag you over that seat and do the mating process already, but- I knew I'd have to keep from pressing my boundaries bc you seem to be very firm on yours. She laughed at me and told me to go to sleep." Oh my god I can not believe this he knew I was his mate before I was even sure he was. What am I doing with my life.

I glanced over to him as we stop at the jeep, swallow back the lump in my throat from tears swelling up. "Thank you for being honest with me about that. But this is my stop. W" I swallow back the lump again that keeps trying to pry itself out and proceed "Will I be able to see you again Jackson. I just found you and it feels like I am loosing you just as fast." I look back and see America making her way just as a tear slips through,quickly wiping it away I look back to Jackson who looks pale white like he's been shot by an arrow made of silver " Miss Emerald Winters I will be back for you, and I will bring you back home with me and you will rule by my side until Goddess takes us home." I wipe another tear away and he grabs me gently placing his lips onto mine deepening the kiss. What did he mean when he said rule by his side though? I'm so confused now. I deepen the kiss a little more before being interrupted " Jack we need to go now, business first then puppy love. You know how dad gets when things aren't being taken care of on time, Goddess forbid if you get us into trouble." America says and she hurries to the 2012 BMW that's parked beside my jeep! "Oh by the way congratulations Amanda, Jack will take care of you for as long as he lives and so will I." America spouts as she grabs the door latch opening the car door. I pull away from Jackson, rub my tears away and motion him on.

I watch as he hurries to the car. I can sense the tension as he gets into the driver side of the car. I know deep down, he can feel it too, that he doesn't want to leave but as his sister said business first. I watched as they pulled away leaving me in the far distance. I can't help but feel like he's going to forget about me or reject me and leave an empty pit to my soul! I turn around and place everything into the jeep. " why didn't y'all go ahead of me? Glad y'all didn't or I would have had to walk twelve miles with a shit load of luggage!"

The girls began to ramble over top of each other. "One at a time damn it, I can't listen to everyone at once!" Jeez that was annoying!

Claire leans over to me and nudges my shoulder "because we knew that you'd need your car and I wasn't sure if he'd have a ride to bring you home clearly though he didn't have an option to bring you home even if he wanted to!" I laugh and play it cool. Now it's time to head to the house and get settled in

The Infernal Kings Mate (Romance)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz