{12- Confusion Strikes Again}

Start from the beginning

The next day she made her way into Just Jerk Academy ready to teach her class of the day. She walked in saying 'hi' to everyone and offering them smiles. Although she smiled it didn't reach her eyes at all. Not when she didn't know what was going on. When she felt lost with the new found information about her ex-boyfriend and now girlfriend. As the class went by she made sure to teach the best way she could and help everyone around the room. The time went to fly by a lot faster than she thought it would. Last night she hadn't gone a wink of sleep overthinking everything. She tried to fill the missing pieces of the puzzle she started to form. Only to be at loss, with no clues or ideas whatsoever. When the class ended she stood by her duffle bag pulling out her water bottle. "Howl isn't dating Bada. I heard she's dating Kim Leah, her best friend. Bada and Howl used to date back in high school." Hearing a few girls talk about her and her personal life seemed to catch her attention. She didn't say anything and minded her business. She continued to drink her water listening in to their conversation. It wasn't rare for her to hear some of her students gossip about her life or dating life. Everyone had their own opinions on the matter on hand but then again, she didn't really care at all.

"Really? They dated in high school? I thought he was dating this brunette girl.. He always followed her around like a lost puppy." This definitely made Bada raise a brow in surprise. There was another girl? Someone she didn't know about or never heard of. She never imagined for someone else to be in the picture. When Howl started to show interest in her, she assumed she was the only person he cared for at the time. The girls didn't say anything else as they left the dance room thanking Bada. Who placed a fake smile on her lips as she waved goodbye to them. She waited for them to shut the door behind them before her smile dropped. This was very odd and weird. Everything she thought she had something figured out, things only seemed to get more complicated than they were. She thought back to high school wondering who else was friends with Howl apart from her? Until she thought of one person. One of her old dance member friends named Jen. She wasn't dancing nor studying for dance anymore. She only danced as a hobby and her greatest passion was being a doctor. Something she ended up filling and now worked at one of the most well known hospitals in South Korea. Without thinking twice, Bada grabbed her things and rushed out the door.

Sitting down at the cafeteria her old dance member smiled softly at her. Bada was surprised she even remembers her mostly because they lost contact once the dance group disbanded. "Do you know if Howl was talking to someone or seeing someone apart from me in high school?" The doctor tilted her head to the side thinking about it. Since it was years ago it would take her a minute to remember what Bada was talking about. Her thumb tapped against the coffee cup as her mind wandered back to Holw finally putting a face onto the name. Her left brow rose up remembering something she had forgotten to mention to Bada back then. "There were two other girls, they were both brunette. I spotted Howl and Leah conversing once. Then I saw him talking to another girl and he claimed it was his cousin. Why?" The taller girl tilted her head to the side in confusion. Another girl? Then again what did Howl have to do with her girlfriend? Her old dance member noticed the confusion written across her face. She reached over grabbing her cup of hot coffee. She took a sip seeing how Bada thought long and hard about what she had just told her. In some way it made sense why Soo Ah would mention something about Howl. It is weird that somehow he's involved with Leah. A small sigh left her lips as she ran her fingers through her hair pushing it off to the side. "When you saw them conversing, how did they look?"

The quiet doctor let out a small 'hmm' as she tried to remember that afternoon. She hadn't really thought about it, at the moment she had brushed it aside. "From what I can remember it seemed like a heated conversation. He at one point reached for her wrist only for her to pull away. Towards the end of the conversation he tried to hug her only for her to shove him off. Which made him really mad and he was going to chase after her until one of his dance teachers approached him." Bada suspiciously bit her lower lip wondering why this has never been mentioned to her. She trusted her best friend with everything but it was odd she would never bring up the fact Howl kept talking to her. What could they possibly be talking about? For some reason now the video of them talking to one another outside the dance studio didn't feel weird at all. She ended up thanking her friend who had to leave because of an emergency surgery. Her brown eyes followed her as she ran down the hall. Bada stood up from her seat heading out the door not realizing she had walked past Howl who had been staring down at his phone.

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