chapter 15: Heading to kaon prison

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Bumblebee optics go wide hearing windblade name.

Bumblebee: How long have she been a POW

Mirage: A few weeks, why do you know her

Bumblebee: (sad tone) Yeah, I know her

Hot rod: That would explain why she hasn't called you back bee

Bumblebee: How did you come across this information

Mirage: About windblade, all the decepticons are talking about it. They say that starscream made her his sex toy

Bumblebee optics widen with anger as he punch the wall, hearing that windblade was being raped by the decepticons made him sick. He should have known that she was in danger. Hot rod put his hand on Bumblebee shoulder.

Hot rod: He will get her back bee. I promise

* A few hours later*

Optimus Prime: This is worrying news. We can not let the decepticons capture the city of verdun if we lose the city. We will lose a major railhub in this sector of the front.

Sentinel: Optimus, it's just a railhub who cares if we lose it

Prowl: That railhub is the only way to get supplies and troops into this sector. If we lose it, this sector will fall to the decepticons, and they will have a clear way to Iacon. Do you want to go down in history as the autobot who lost us the war.

Sentinel was angry that an autobot whose rank was lower than his was standing up to him.

Sentinel:(whispered) I am your commanding officer. Speak like that to me again. I will have you court martial and shot

Before Prowl could say anything, optimus interfered.

Optimus prime: Leave him alone sentinel he just making a point

Bumblebee: What about kaon prison? we have to save her

Sentinel: We can not waste our resources on a rescue op for a few POWs

Optimus Prime: Sentinel windblade is one of our airforce highest ranking officer. If the decepticons break her will, the decepticons will know where to strike our airforce, and if we lose our airforce, we lose air superiority in the sky's. So this is the plan bumblebee, hot rod, and myself will head to kaon prison, we will free windblade and all autobot POWs in the prison when we with the POWs will take one of the prison Hull ships and fall back here. Bumblebee, hot rod get ready we leave in an hour.

Transformers cyberverse: I would die for youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora