chapter 3: The visitor

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Jamie's heart still raced, his mind plagued by the haunting images of what he had witnessed at the Mattfield Cemetery. As he reached his front door, his hand trembled as he turned the doorknob, his fingers slick with sweat. The door creaked open, and he stepped inside, his breath catching in his throat as he slammed the door shut behind him.

The memories of that chilling encounter in the cemetery replayed in his mind like a relentless loop, each detail etched into his consciousness. He had seen the impossible - gravestones coming to life, names appearing out of thin air, a figure emerging from the mist. It was a nightmare he couldn't escape, no matter how hard he tried to rationalize it.

His heart still pounding, Jamie's ears pricked up at the sound of strange noises emanating from the kitchen. His pulse quickened as he strained to make out the sounds - the clattering of pots and pans, the murmur of voices. Fear gripped him, tendrils of dread winding their way through his veins.

Jamie hesitated, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and apprehension. He knew he should stay away, should call the authorities or someone for help, but an unexplainable curiosity tugged at him. Against his better judgment, he moved towards the kitchen door, his steps faltering with each inch closer.

The kitchen door swung open before him, revealing a scene that sent shockwaves through his senses. His brother, Barry, stood there, entangled with a young woman, their disheveled appearance and the chaos of the kitchen suggesting an intimate encounter. Jamie's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind struggling to process what he was seeing.

Barry's eyes locked onto Jamie, his face contorted in fury. "You little pervert! Get out now!" he shouted, his voice laced with anger and embarrassment. The girl, her face flushed with embarrassment, hastily covered herself, her gaze a mix of surprise and indignation.

Stammering and feeling utterly mortified, Jamie stumbled out of the kitchen, his mind racing. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. As he retreated to his room, a million thoughts raced through his head. "Wait... wasn't that..." he whispered to himself, his thoughts trailing off as he closed his bedroom door behind him.

His mind was a maelstrom of emotions, a whirlwind of confusion, embarrassment, and disbelief. "Whatever I saw, whatever I think I saw in that cemetery, didn't happen," he muttered, attempting to reassure himself as he collapsed onto his bed.

Hours passed as Jamie lay in his bed, lost in his thoughts, his mind a battleground of doubts and fears. Eventually, exhaustion took over, and he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

Morning came, and Jamie's eyes flickered open. His breath caught in his throat as he woke from a dreamless slumber. "It was just a dream," he muttered to himself, a shaky sigh of relief escaping his lips. He dragged himself out of bed and began his usual morning routine, a sense of unease still lingering at the edges of his consciousness.

As he walked to school, the events of the previous day felt like a distant memory, a fleeting nightmare that had been left behind in the shadows. But as he reached the school grounds, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Roderick and his lackeys were there, their sinister grins a chilling reminder of the torment that awaited him.

The hallway seemed to close in around Jamie as he walked, his senses on high alert. There was a palpable tension in the air, a sense of foreboding that seemed to whisper of something amiss. His footsteps echoed down the corridor, the sounds muffled by the weight of his thoughts.

Near the lockers, a group of students gathered, their hushed voices carrying a sense of urgency. Jamie's curiosity got the better of him, and he inched closer, straining to catch their conversation.

"Did you hear about what happened last night?" one voice whispered, tinged with disbelief.

"Yeah, apparently, the power went out in the entire neighborhood," another voice chimed in, the words punctuated by a gasp.

"Someone said they saw weird lights coming from the old cemetery," a third voice added, a hint of fear lacing their tone.

Jamie's heart pounded as he absorbed their words. The memories of the cemetery flooded back, the strange events he had witnessed intertwining with the rumors circulating among the students. A chill ran down his spine, and a sense of impending doom settled over him.

As the group of students continued their conversation, Jamie's mind raced. The events of the past day were becoming increasingly surreal, and the lines between reality and nightmare blurred in his mind. The ordinary world he had known was unraveling, and he was being drawn into a web of mystery and darkness that seemed to have no escape.

Jamie approached his locker, the whispers of his classmates still echoing in his mind. With a hesitant hand, he spun the combination and pulled open the door. Inside, amidst the usual clutter of books and papers, lay an unexpected note. The message was simple: "Meet me at the football field after school. I'll be wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans." Jamie's gut twisted; it had to be Roderick's doing. He crumpled the note in his fist, deciding to ignore it.

The final bell rang, and Jamie made his way home, the note forgotten. As he reached his room, the sudden ring of the doorbell stopped him. Heart pounding, he descended the stairs and opened the door. There stood a figure, holding out Jamie's student ID card-the one he'd lost at the cemetery. "I believe this is yours, Jamie," the stranger said, an unreadable expression on their face.

Jamie's breath hitched, a mix of relief and apprehension washing over him. Who was this person, and what did they want? The ID card felt heavy in his hand, a token of the night's eerie events now returned by an enigmatic visitor.

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