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When... when you were," she gulped and avoided my gaze.

I hissed and glared at the woman in front of me. "When... when, stop blabbering! I want the exact answer now. You tell me where Ashley is, and yeah, I want all the details," I said, clenching my fist, ignoring the urge to punch her.

She gulped and avoided my gaze, probably afraid before encountering me. "She is under the surveillance of Luca," she muttered.

"That I know, you dumb witch! What's the location? That's what I wanted to know," I uttered, punching my hand on the table.

"O-okay, it's the building where Luca lives, the place where he keeps his property close to him."

"My wife is not his property—" I hissed and clenched my jaw in anger.

"I guess I know where he is." I leaned back and glared at her. "Now, what should I do with you?" I drummed my fingers over the table and asked the woman in front of me.

She glanced at me, her eyes widening in fear, trembling with shivers running over her body, knowing that the deceit in my eyes would burn her alive.

"You know you have to pay for the deeds that you have done, and believe me," I smiled, a venomous smile.

I grabbed her throat, squeezing it hard. She gasped for air, my eyes red with anger, my breaths harsh, my heart pounding.

I let her go with force, making her stumble back hard until she lay on the floor with her trembling body.

I grabbed the television remote, opening the TV news, a smirk covering my lips, defining the satisfaction I got from the ongoing telecast.

Breaking news:

Top model Jennifer, known for her success in both modeling and business, has been caught engaging in nefarious activities. Are we oblivious to the true nature of our surroundings, or has Jennifer, daughter of Mr. Stephen, been cunning enough to conceal her illicit actions?

"NO, NO! YOU SAID YOU'LL NOT DO THIS! THEN WHYYYYYYYY, Jungkook, WHY?" she cried out on her knees, clutching her chest. Her pain was visible on her face; the reality she was hiding was finally out now.

Congratulations, bitch.

As I crouched down, Jennifer's tear-streaked face met mine, her eyes blazing with emotion. With a gentle smile, I reached out and delicately tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "This is my love for you, Jennifer. Don't you want it?" I whispered softly, leaning in closer. Her gaze bore into mine, filled with a mixture of longing and defiance. In an instant, she grabbed my hand and clenched my collar tightly, as if trying to anchor herself to me amidst the turmoil of her emotions. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, a silent testament to the pain she was feeling. Despite her turmoil, my expression remained stoic as I spoke, "Your own actions and outbursts have shaped the person you've become, Jennifer. No one else is to blame. I never wanted things to come to this, but you've left me with no other choice." With a heavy heart, I reflected on the tragedy of her life before finally standing up to leave, leaving her to grapple with her own emotions.

"Did you truly believe that by ruining me and tarnishing my love, you could win Ashley back?" Jennifer's voice cut through the tense silence, her words dripping with bitterness as she glared at me. Frozen in place, I listened as she continued, "She now believes that you betrayed her with me, and..." My gaze met hers, only to be met with a repugnant smirk that twisted her features into a grotesque mask of satisfaction. "Your malicious rumors have undoubtedly reached Luca by now. Oh, Jungkook, what will you do? You've undoubtedly sown seeds of doubt in Ashley's mind about your fidelity, and in her vulnerable state, she's chosen to believe them. And why wouldn't she, with her flawless beauty and your past indiscretions? She's nothing but a burden..." Anger surged within me, a fiery rage that threatened to consume all reason. In a swift motion, I closed the distance between us, seizing her throat with a vice-like grip. Despite her desperate attempts to break free, I held firm, fueled by a desire for vengeance that burned hotter than the sun. Yet, even as I entertained thoughts of ending her life then and there, I knew time was of the essence. Max had discovered Ashley's location, and I was determined to bring her back, to erase the pain and suffering she endured.

"The burden on this world is yours alone, and dare you speak ill of my wife, I'll drag you to hell and back," I growled through gritted teeth, my voice laced with menace. Jennifer's breaths came in ragged gasps as she struggled to respond, her defiance crumbling under the weight of my words. With a final, contemptuous glare, I released her, watching with grim satisfaction as she stumbled backward and collapsed onto the floor. Without another word, I turned on my heel and strode out of the cabin, leaving Jennifer to confront the consequences of her actions.

As I made my way to the awaiting vehicle, thoughts of Ashley consumed my mind. How could she have fallen victim to the lies and deceit spun by others? My heart ached at the mere thought of her suffering, and with each passing moment, my resolve to bring her back to safety only grew stronger. I'll find you, Ashley, I vowed silently, my hands trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. No matter what it takes, I'll bring you home.

With a heavy sigh, I ignited the engine, setting my course on the GPS with a single-minded focus. The road ahead was fraught with peril, but I was prepared to face whatever challenges lay in store. Wait for me, Ashley, I whispered into the void, the words carrying a solemn promise.

"I'll be there for you, now and forever."



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I am sorry 🥹🥹
Please forgive your pookies


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