With a surge of determination, I exited the washroom, my steps purposeful as I followed the guy who was on a date with the girl. I needed to make sure she was safe, even if it meant confronting him and risking a scene.

My heart pounded in my chest as I trailed him discreetly, my mind racing with thoughts of what I would say and do if I caught him in the act.

But my immediate concern was the girl's safety. As I trailed the guy, my attention was drawn to a disturbingly familiar figure swaying in her seat.

As the guy approached the girl and placed his hands on her waist, making her turn around with a tipsy smile, my anger reached its peak. My fists clenched tightly as I watched the scene unfold before me.

Without a moment's hesitation, I marched towards them, my adrenaline-fueled determination propelling me forward. In one swift motion, I snatched the guy's hands from the girl's waist and delivered a powerful punch straight to his face.

The force of the blow sent him staggering backward, clutching his bleeding nose in shock and pain. The girl's tipsy smile faded into a look of confusion and surprise as she struggled to comprehend what was happening.

My chest heaved with the intensity of my emotions as I stood protectively in front of her, my gaze burning with righteous fury. I couldn't let anyone harm her, not while I was around.

The guy, after regaining his balance, shoots me a furious look. "What the heck, man!"

I continue to glare at him, not bothering to respond, when suddenly we hear a clapping sound. I turn around to see Ishika.

"Wow, are you guys going to fight?" she slurs.

I refocus on the guy, who is still glaring at me, and slowly approach him. His eyes dart nervously around as I draw closer.

"What did you put in her drink?" I ask him, my voice deadly serious.

He looks at me as if I've caught him red-handed, which I have. And he's going to pay for it.

"I didn't do anything. She must have had something while I was in the restroom," he stammers. Yeah, right. Like the girl who hates drinking would suddenly decide to have something while her supposed date was away for a few minutes. Sure.

My fists clench, and I can't resist the urge to punch him again. I land another powerful blow on his nose.

He crashes to the floor, and the music abruptly cuts off. The whole club falls silent, all eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. I catch sight of the guards heading our way from the corner of my eye.

The guy struggles to his feet, stumbling clumsily. I can't help but think it's not enough; he deserved more than just a stumble. Maybe I should have broken his nose.

"What's going on here?" one of the guards asks, but I don't look away from the guy, my glare unwavering.

The guy glances at me and then at Ishika, who watches the scene unfold with curious fascination, as if it were her favorite episode of "Masha and the Bear."

"Ask this man. He came out of nowhere and started hitting me," the guy points accusingly at me, prompting the guard to turn to me.

"He spiked the lady's drink," I retort, my voice firm and resolute.

"He's speaking nonsense," the guy protests, his voice tinged with desperation.

I move closer to him, and he instinctively steps back, but before I can reach him, the guard steps in between us, blocking my path.

"Sir, let us handle it," I glare at him, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"There's one more guy with him," I inform him before turning around and making my way towards the lady in question, who is grinning widely.

The guards swiftly escort the guy out of the club, and as the loud music resumes, the crowd returns to their revelry, oblivious to the recent disturbance.

"Come on, let's go home," I say to Ishika, but it seems like she's determined to make things difficult, as always.

"Noooooo! I didn't even dance," she protests in her ever so drunk voice.

"I said, let's go home."

"And I said I want to dance," she replies, sounding grumpy.

God, this little troublemaker. "Come with me, Ishika. Don't force me to carry you out of here. In my arms."

I see her eyes light up mischievously as she stands up and stumbles towards me.

"Han toh carry me naa... I'm dying to be in your arms."

"You asked for it," I mutter under my breath as I bend down and swiftly lift Ishika off her feet, effortlessly hoisting her over my shoulder.

She squeals in surprise, followed by giggles, as I begin to walk out of the club.

I catch sight of Ms. Patel and my other coworkers watching us, but their presence fades into the background. Right now, the only thing that matters is Ishika's safety and well-being.


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