He choked on air then said

JK:"u are too young for that my marshmallow."

Y/n:"no i am not. All husband and wives kiss each other on Their lips. I saw my eomma appa then jimin, tae, Jonnie, jin, hobi oppa and their wives kissing each other on Their lips too."

JK:"and may i ask what exactly u were doing all those times my Princess."

Y/n:"oh come on daddy. I went to ur office and their homes countless times besides they also came to our home many time. Also before our marriage every morning when appa used to leave for office he used to kiss eomma every day."

JK:"u sure u want it?"

Y/n:"of course. Even in ur wedding i wanted u to kiss my lips but u didn't. Until now u never kissed me in the lips."

JK:"cause u are too young and innocent for that."

Y/n:"no i am not and do u know that eomma have told me everything before the day of ur marriage. Kissing cuddling this things are all normal Between couples."

JK:"everything u said right now is the literal proof of how innocent u are."

Y/n:"what u mean?"

JK:"nothing babygirl."

And he smashed his lips into u. And why he won't. He got the permission. U yourself told him u wanted it. And him Being the good husband which he is how can be even not fulfill ur wishes and demands.

Ur eyes were opened wide from the shock since u really didn't thought the would actually kiss u in the lips. He never did that before.

Jungkook took a moment and stayed still before slowly moving his lips. Ur eyes got closed automatically without u knowing. U didn't knew how to kiss back so u only stayed like that with closed eyes

While ur hubby was busy devouring his fav candy. He cupped ur cheeks with one hand while the other was busy in caressing ur hips waist as he started sucking hard on ur lower lips. As it went by he was kissing u even more passionately.

Not even a minute went by and u were out of breath and tried to push him back but he didn't budge a little. Why even the would after all this months he was finally able taste it.

Instead of breaking it he kissed u even more deeply and here ur face was getting red due to lack of breathe and hot atmosphere.

(Y/n is having war of hormones.👀 'Sorry for intrupting by the way👻)

U started hitting him but still no use he kept his slow yet deep torture in ur lips until he felt that u were almost passing out.

That's when he broke the kiss even though he really didn't wanted to.

He looked at the mess in front of him. U were heavily breathing with ur face red like cherry and swollen lips. This is the moment he found u most alluring

He had to bite down his own lips in order to stop his wild thought and the urge to just do something right then and there.

After u were able to compose yourself u looked at him with angry eyes.

Y/n:"i told u to kiss me. Why were u eating my lips. U literally sucked, bite and chewed them. Why?"

JK:"that is what we call a 'kiss' Princess."

He said while emphasizing the word kiss.

Y/n:"no that is definitely not a kiss."

U gave him a peck on the lips and said.

"This is a kiss."

He chuckled before giving u a peck on the lips too then said

JK:"this is what we call a peck angel."


JK:"wait wait let me explain first my queen of innocence. I know u are gonna say that i never saw anyone kiss like that before and let me tell u that no sane minded people actually kisses like that in front of anyone. "

U shook ur head.

"Yeah see also u won't like me to kiss u like that in front of anyone right."


JK:"great now this is called a peck."

He gave u a peck

"And this is called a kiss."

Then smashed his lips kissing u once again until he made u breathless.

Y/n:"now i regret telling u to kiss me in the lips."

Jungkook giggled and said with his signature smirk.

JK:"babygirl this is just the starting."

Y/n:"but i don't get it. If it was a peck then why u never pecked me in the lips before."

He shrugged his shoulders and said

JK:"as i said u are too young and innocent for that besides i probably would have lost control a lot if i had kissed u before."

Y/n:"stop saying i am too young and innocent. Am i too old now or what huh."

JK:"i didn't mean that. Aish u won't get it of course."

U rolled ur eyes.

Y/n:"and what u mean by u would have lost control?"

JK:"listen cupcake can u climb a tree just in one jump?"


JK:"yeah everything in life has it's own steps. U need to climb step by step and just like that step by step u will eventually know and understand everything."

U looked at him with a lost look cause u got half of his words and half u don't know what he was talking about so u choose the safe option and that is

U nodded.

Jungkook sighed knowing exactly what was going in ur brain so he said

"Let's go downstairs. It's almost time for me to go."

Y/n:"huh go where?"

JK:"i Knew kiss can remove calories but never knew it can remove memories too."

And that's when u remembered u hubby was leaving today.

Y/n:"pls don't leave. I will give u more kisses."

JK:"that was a really good deal Princess but i have to go."



MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now