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Elizabeth POV
Graduation is tomorrow and Alice is planning on having a big graduation party and of course I'm on the planning committee. As much as I don't want to go, I'll do it for Alice.
After school I'm on my way to the Cullens house to help set up for the party. I'm on ballon duty, me, Alice and Bella are the only one in the house. Everyone else is either off hunting or for Rose shopping. I'm finishing blowing up the balloons while Alice is hanging lights and Bella is mopping around for Edward. As the day comes to an end everyone starts to come back to the house and the decorating is close to finished. Edward told Bella home while I stayed a while longer to help Alice then left.
I get home and set out my dress, cap and gown. I toke a shower and turned on a movie and later fell asleep too it.
I wake up to my alarms going off and begin to get ready. I curl my hair and do my make up and then put my clothes on. We leave and begin our drive to school.
Once graduation is over we have a few hours to get ready for the party. So I grab what I'm wearing and got to the Cullens to help with anything else.
The party started an hour ago and there's many people here. I see Alice freeze and know she's having a vision. We all go outside and talk about what she saw and what we're going to do.
I later went home and went to bed, these next few days will be rough.

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