shopping trip to another trip?

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Elizabeth's POV
After school I decided to go shopping for some new clothes and necessities. The down side is I have to drive 45 minutes to the nearest mall. But it's all worth it because I found the shirt I had been wanting. I decided after a few hours I would stop and get food and then head home since it was getting late.

I started the drive home and got stuck in a little bit of traffic. As I neared home I started to get a weird feeling that something was gonna happen. I pulled into our street and I noticed a familiar car. That's when I noticed it was one of the Cullens cars. I quickly parked and rushed inside to find Bella and Jacob in the kitchen arguing.

Not to long after Alice walks in saying how Edward found out why she was here. The next thing I knew Bella was packing clothes and running out the door. Even though I'm the younger one I seem to be more responsible but can be very selfless. So next thing I know I'm running out the door after trying to get answers on where she's going and why she's going.

She says she's going to Italy to save Edward from killing his self. And something about the volturi. After me trying to convince her to stay, I came to a decision that I would only let her go if I went with. She tried to argue but with one look she shut up.

Now we are driving to the air port and nobody is answering my questions. Like who the hell is the volturi? Why is Edward trying to kill himself? But every question I ask gets ignored so I stop trying.

We get on the plane and I already know it's going to be a long ride because Bella is crying and saying how it's all her fault. This is when I find out my sister decided to jump off a cliff. Who in their right mind jumps off a cliff?
The plane is finally landing and Alice disappears and shows up with a yellow sorta car and we are off.

My question finally start getting answered. Apparently the volturi are these very important people who are over the vampire world. Ohh yeah vampires are real. At first it didn't seem true until everything started to come together why the Cullens don't eat and they don't come to school when it's sunny.

After a long car ride we arrive in Voltorea. We make it into the town until Alice is stopped and Bella gets out the car and starts running towards the clock tower. After a lot of persuading the cops let us go with a warning. Alice tells me that I'm safe here and that nothing will happen to me, but Bella seems scared to be here.

A little walking later we arrive at the clock tower and Bella nor Edward are anywhere to be seen. Alice said they must be inside and the we must hurry.

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