Back to Forks

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Alice's POV
It's been months since we've left and I've been getting visions of Elizabeth and Bella. Elizabeth seems like she doing fine but Bella seems to be depressed.
Today I got a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff and can't see if she's alive anymore. So I'm back in Forks making sure she's alive and well.
I left and told Rose why I was going and I can only hope that Edward doesn't find out.
After a while of waiting Bella walks in the house and starts asking many questions at once.
Not too long after Jacob walks in breaking the treaty and we start to argue. I decided it's the best to give them some time to settle down. As I'm standing outside I get a vision, Edward knows I'm back in forks and why I came back. Rosalie must of told him. I quickly walk back in the house and tell Bella what's happened and notice Elizabeth had came back home. Elizabeth immediately starts questioning what's happening and trying to talk Bella out of going. Even though she tried, it didn't work and now we are walking about the house and to the car. That's when Elizabeth decided that the only way Bella could come is if she did too. That's when I had a vision of Elizabeth sitting next to one of the volturi leaders..Cauis...
That's when I knew she had to come not only could she help us get out alive. If Aro looks through my memory and sees Elizabeth it will only make it worse. So we are now making our way through the streets of volturi when we get stopped. I take the time to tell Elizabeth that she's safe here and I can see the confusion on her face. But the rest I can't explain because it's none of my business.
I can only hope we make it out alive.

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