Seeing her again

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Cauis's POV
We were planning a ball and I decided to invite her since it's been weeks since I've seen her. I miss her dearly. My only hope is that she decides to come.
The day came of her ball and we were all getting ready. After hours which felt like years, I smelled her. It made happy that she came. Once the doors opened for us I started looking for her. Once I found her all I could do was smile. My soulmate was beautiful. She looked amazing I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
After chatting with some of our guest, I saw her leaving. So I excused myself to follow her, the last thing I wanted was for her to get hurt. As I followed her I noticed where she was going.. she was going to my study. So I made sure she got in and was ok and went back to the ball. After an hour or so, I made my way back to my study. Only to find her sitting at my desk reading a book, she looked beautiful. Absolutely breath taking. All I could do was stand there and watch her. After a while she looked up and saw me. I started to make my way too her only for her to get up and walk away. First I was confused and then I noticed she was putting the book back from where she got it.
Once she put it back she made her way over to the couches and at down. I again made my way to her and sat down. I asked her why she decided to sneak away. Only for her to say she wanted some peace and quiet. All i could do was smile. I the asked how she knew the ways to my study. For her to only say she remembered the way.
After a few minutes of just sitting there enjoying the others presence, she said we should get back before anyone noticed we were gone.
That's when I stood up and gave her my hand. She accepted it and stood up. Once she stood up I noticed how close we were. And we both began to lean in, when our lips finally met I felt sparks. The kiss was filled with love and warmth, it was amazing. I then kissed her hand and lead the way back towards the ballroom. We seemed to walk extra slow, just to stay with each other longer.

The younger sister- Cauis VolturiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora