Seeing him again

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Elizabeth's POV
Many months later the Cullens received an invitation to a Ball from the volturi. Like one of those fancy Balls you see in the movies. I also got an invitation. We all decided it would be a good treaty and we should go. Everyone was against me going a first but I told them I would be fine.
So 1 week later we all packed and on a plane to Voltora. Sitting on the plane all I could think was how I was about to see Cauis again. When the plane landed we all headed towards the hotel.
Once we got there I passed out. I was woken up to Alice shaking me awaking.
Once I woke up it was time for me to start getting ready. So I toke a shower and let rose and Alice start styling my hair and doing my makeup.
That's when they brought my dress out. It is a beautiful emerald green ball gown.
Once every one was ready we all made our way out of the hotel and took the cars. Once we arrived at the castle we made our way to the front door.
Edward said it would be best for me to stay close to Emmet or Jasper. I re assured him that everything would be fine. And he told me that I couldn't promise anything.
When the doors open, it revealed many people dancing and talking. And as soon as the doors open everyone's eyes were on us. After we walked in and the doors shut everyone went back to their normal conversation but some were still watching me.
After and hour or so the doors opened and revealed the three kings. Me and Cauis made eye contact and I immediately smiled. And to my surprise he smiled back. I looked away when the Denails walked up to us and started to introduce themselves.
I decided to sneak off and get away from the crowd. I remember the way to Cauis's office and decided that's where I would go. Once I made it to his office I opened the doors and walked in. I then closed the doors and decided to find a book.
Once I found a book I sat down in his chair and began to read.
After a while of sitting there I started to feel like I was being watched. So k looked up, only to find him standing there. Watching me, with so much love in his eyes.
He began to walk over to me with a smile on his face. And told me that the book I was reading was his favorite book. And that the book is only his favorite because it gives him inspiration.
I then stood up and put the book where I found it and I noticed how he watched my every move.
I decided to take a seat on the couch and he made his way over to me and sat down.
He asked me why I decided to sneak away. I said the crowd was too much and needed some peace and quiet. All he did was smile. He asked how I found his office and I told him I remembered the way. Again all he did was smile.
I said we should get back before anyone noticed. He stood up and offered me his hand and I gladly accepted it. When I stood up we were standing so close. We both started at each other and then began to lean in.
When our lips touched I swear I could feel sparks. This kiss wasn't heated or aggressive. It was filled with love and warmth. After the kiss, he kissed me on the forehead and led me out of the room. We seemed to walk extra slow and just enjoyed the others presence.

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