Comfort, Portal, and Date

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The next day arrived, the sun rose over the horizon, all of LA was lit up with it's rays. Anne and Marcy's house shins, Marcy was the first to wake up. She sits up and rubs her eyes, the rays hitting her skin, making her fell all warm.

Marcy looks down and sees Anne still sleeping, she smiles, Anne always looked cute when she's asleep. Marcy laid back down and embraced her new girlfriend tightly, nuzzling in her neck, embracing her lover. Marcy took in all of Anne's warmth, feeling the softness of her skin.

Anne smiles, she wakes up and saw how much Marcy was cuddling her. Anne kisses Marcy's forehead and spoke. "Marcy? Are you ready?" Anne asked while mentioning they have to meet Terri at the laboratory. Marcy groaned and moaned.

"Five more minutes..." Marcy moaned. Anne smiles, she giggled at Marcy's response as it reminded her of when she did want to get up. "Okay..." Anne said. She lays back down and held Marcy tightly.

Anne and Marcy laid in bed for five more minutes, letting Marcy just relax and be comfy. Anne and Marcy eventually got up and got dressed, Anne dons her earth clothes, just adult versions with her yellow jacket around her waist.

Marcy wore a green dress with their skirt above her knees and her blue coat, Anne got her hair tie and tied her hair up. Anne and Marcy then head out to the lab to meet up with Sasha. Anne and Marcy got in the car and drove to the lab.

Anne and Marcy sat in the car in silence, Marcy was ready to tell Anne. "Hey, Anne?" Marcy said. Anne looked at Marcy with a smile. "Yeah, Marcy?" Anne said. Marcy hesitated, but she spoke. "Anne... When I was on the plane heading to LA... I had a strange dream..." Marcy said.

Anne raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Okay? What was it about?" Anne asked. Marcy frowns and continued. "Well, I told Sasha... Because I'm scared of how you'll react." Marcy said. Anne smiles and held her hand.

"Marcy... Whatever it is... You can tell me anything... I won't get mad or hate you for it... So... Tell me..." Anne said. Marcy took a deep breath and spoke. "Anne... I saw The Core..." Marcy said. Anne stoped the car in shock and surprise.

"What?" Anne said. Marcy frowns, Anne then goes into a parking lot where they can talk. "Marcy... I don't get it... The Core is gone... I destroyed them..." Anne said. Marcy frowns and spoke. "Anne... The Core is still alive... They managed to survive..." Marcy said.

Anne was wondering how can the evil hivemind survive, but Marcy told her. "Anne... Before Sasha freed me from The Core's control... The Core put a security protocol in my mind, just in case they were ever destroyed... They transferred back into my head and now... They want Revenge on us, Anne..." Marcy said.

Anne couldn't speak, she couldn't believe her ears, The Core is still alive... She didn't want to believe it, but from Marcy's explanation, it was too good to be true. Anne looked at Marcy and spoke. "Marcy... I don't believe it... It... It can't be possible..." Anne said.

Marcy hugs Anne tightly as tears streamed down her face. "I'm scared, Anne... I don't want to lose you again... Not to that thing again... I don't want you to die again... I want you to stay here... I don't want to be alone without you... I don't want to live without you..." Marcy said while sobbing.

Anne hugs Marcy back and tries to comfort her. "Don't cry, Marcy. It's okay. Saving Amphibia was the best decision I've ever made. I chose that way to save everyone, including you, Marcy. If it wasn't for me, you guys wouldn't be here." Anne said while repeating her last words before she died that very day.

Marcy took comfort in hearing that, it made her less afraid if being possessed again, but what Anne was about to say next, made her feel more safe. "Marcy, if The Core tries to possess you again, I'll come back and save you... I will be your hero and knight in shining armor." Anne said in a smooth voice.

Amphibia: Darcy's Revenge (10 years later)Where stories live. Discover now