Chapter 5 - Graduation

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4 months before the invasion

Ji Hye stepped out the doors of the school of engineering building. The sun was shining and only a few clouds dotted the sky, as if the weather knew today was a joyful occasion, but it only seemed to mock her with its warm rays lighting up the smiling faces of her colleagues all around her. She had prayed for a monsoon, but she guessed the weather didn't listen to those with selfish desires.

She was forced down the steps as her classmates streamed out the doors all shoving and jostling one another in their excitement to leave. She could do nothing but follow the tide of black robed students. Hordes of family members stood at the bottom of the steps all calling out and waving to various people in the crowd.

They hit the bottom step and the sea of black dispersed finding family members and friends. Ji Hye stood there, not quite knowing what to do as she looked around at all the happy families, snapping and taking pictures. One lanky boy got wrestled into a photo as his mother and sister clutched to either arm holding him in place and not letting him escape. Despite his protest he stood proudly with his diploma in one hand and the bouquet his family had brought in the other.

Looking around the small courtyard there were many other similar displays. Several groups of students took photos together, some with banners their friends or family made, others with large bows around their necks with various sayings flowing down the long ribbons.

Her parents had promised to come for the ceremony and celebrate with her. It had been over a year since she had seen them, but she couldn't complain. It was just as much her fault as it was theirs. She never seemed to find the time to visit with her rigorous schedule and work and them owning a restaurant and having to care for her grandma. She hadn't realized how excited she was to see them, until she had gotten a call from her mom that morning saying their car had broken down halfway there and wasn't sure if they would make it time. They had promised they would treat her the next time they came up despite them both knowing that might never happen. Ji Hye had assured her mother while trying to keep the tears from her voice that it was alright and that she would try to visit soon.

Now she stood in the courtyard alone watching everyone celebrate around her. She couldn't help but wonder if that could have been her if their old beat-up family car would have just made it to the city.

She made her way to the courtyard entrance, not sure where she was going, but as long as it was away from this happy scene she didn't care. A girl slammed into Ji Hye's shoulder, making her stumble back.

"I'm sorry," the girl said, bowing before running off. She waved to another girl in the crowd, practically leaping on her in her excitement. The girl that had run into Ji Hye pulled out her cellphone and they started taking selfies.

I wonder how Ye Joon's ceremony is going, Ji Hye thought, entering a large path. For some reason the school had decided to have the graduation ceremony of the school of engineering and school of arts at the same time. Seriously, what kind of dumbass school plans graduation ceremonies for the same time. She kicked at a nut on the ground that had escaped one of the trees overhead and it went skittering across the large cobblestones.

Large trees lined either side of the pathway, foliage thick enough to provide much needed shade from the bright rays in her long black robe. She passed by the last few celebrators that had seeped onto the path, the courtyard not big enough to hold everyone. The hollering and cheering of the graduates had all but faded to a low murmur and she could hear the chirping of birds overhead.

She closed her eyes letting the day sink in.

She graduated. She had done it.

She clutched the small diploma to her chest never wanting to let it go. Granted, it wasn't over. She had been accepted into the university's master program and would work as a lab technician and assistant to one of the professors to help pay her way, but this was one step closer to her goal.

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