Chapter 15: Cracks in the Facade

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[A/N : Woah, I'm finally back! It was really a hectic month 😅Then let's continue with the story.... ]

Sometimes the heart sees what the mind is blind to...

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Rain lashed against the window, blurring the cityscape outside Jin's office. Three weeks had bled by since Jungkook's last session, leaving an echoing silence in his wake. Worry gnawed at Jin. Calls to Jungkook's manager went unanswered, and the usual paparazzi frenzy had dwindled. News reports whispered of "health concerns," but Jin suspected something deeper lurked beneath the surface.

A silent notification from Soo-ah, the reporter, buzzed on his phone. Jin's gut clenched. Their last encounter had been a tense stand-off, fueled by her obsessiveness over Jungkook and his frustration with her relentless pursuit. He silenced the call, the unanswered message a reminder of the tangled web he was caught in.

The office door creaked open, and a subdued Jungkook shuffled in. Dark circles shadowed his eyes, and his vibrant energy seemed dimmed. Relief washed over Jin, quickly followed by concern.

"Jungkook," Jin said, his voice warm with relief. "You came."

Jungkook shuffled further into the room, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah," he mumbled, his voice raspy. "Think it's time I faced my fears. "

in settled into his chair, a gentle curiosity blooming. "What fears are those?"

Jungkook finally turned to him, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. "I saw you with her again. Soo-ah."

Jin's heart lurched. He hadn't considered Soo-ah's visit being misinterpreted. "Jungkook," he began, "that wasn't what you think. She was here..."

"For another consultation?" Jungkook interrupted, a sharp edge to his voice. "Reporters don't usually seek therapy consultations with psychiatrists."

Jin sighed. "Look, it wasn't about you. Our meeting was purely professional."

Suddenly Jin's phone vibrates on the table showing Soo-ah's name on the screen (it was set to silent mode). He glances at it briefly, showing a flicker of surprise or mild annoyance on his face. [Wow! Perfect timing 😑]

Maybe I was right all along. This therapy is pointless if he's already invested in someone else, Jungkook thought.

Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Jungkook breaks the silence, "Seems like you have someone else who needs your attention more than I do these days. Maybe it's time we just end these sessions."

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