Passion Burns Hotter Than Hell

Start from the beginning

He reached over and hesitated to press the power button, a part of him nervous for some reason. Lucifer gripped his hand a bit harder and rubbed his arm. "It'll work... don't worry." He whispered to him and Alastor gulped, pressing it as the lights flickered on, the radio console lighting up and the 'LIVE' button ready to be pressed to air to all of New Orleans.

"Heh... oh... oh wow." Alastor smiled rubbing his fingers over the console, smiling softly and Lucifer smiled at his boyfriend with admiration happy he was able to provide a bit of happiness. "So... wanna make a broadcast?" Lucifer said snd Alastor smirked at him, he sat himself in his chair and flicked on the radio moving to the usual station he used to air on and was surprised to hear it empty. Well it was about to get loud.

What he didn't know was there was still a hand full of people from his time that were alive in New Orleans, their radios still dialed in to his station. He pulled Lucifer into his lap as he pressed the live button, green energy pulsing through the radio tower as he held the Mic to his lips.

"Good evening dear listeners~ it's bin such a long time since I last was on the air~" His voice rang out over New Orleans, a few people that recognized the voice looked at the radio in horror. "What has it been~ say... almost a hundred years since I was last on air in New Orleans~? My how I've missed this place~! And to name a bar after me~! Well you certainly have good taste my friends~!" He laughed into the mic as he turned towards Lucifer, the blonde smiling at him and leaning in to softly kiss his head.

Alastor hummed. "Well my listeners~ I'm here to gift you with one final broadcast~! We didn't get to say goodbye last time~! So let me properly do so now~"

Alastor smirked as he snapped his fingers, a record popping into the console as music begs to broadcast through out New Orleans.

'We'll meet again~ Don't know where~ don't know when~! But I know we'll meet again some sunny day~!'

Alastor stood up and held his hand out to Lucifer, the King placing his hand in the Radio Demons palm. They slowly danced in the radio tower, the small space becoming that of a sanctuary for them for the time being. Alastor hummed softly as he gently spun Lucifer around, holding him close to his body as he smiled. Lucifer enjoyed them softly dancing and spinning around together. It made him feel so connected to Alastor.

The music continued on, Alastor and Lucifer lost in their own world, staring at each other with a new fondness. The song slowly came to an end, Alastor looking over to the console before bowing to Lucifer ending the dance.

"Well my dear listeners~ it's truly been a pleasure being your host once again~ I will miss you all truly~ now onto the new broadcast~!" And with a laugh he turned off the console for the last time, looking over at Lucifer who was smiling at him lovingly. The King walked over and cupped Alastor's face kissing him deeply.

Alastor's hands went to hold him close, lips slowly moving against each other as they held onto the other tightly. Their lips slowly began to move faster, bodies heating up a bit as they hungrily began to kiss each other. Lucifer moved his hands down as they rested on Alastor's chest, speaking softly against his lips.

"So... ever do it in the radio tower~?" Lucifer purred, slowly undoing his bow tie. Alastor raised a brow as he stopped Lucifer from doing so, staring at him. "No, I haven't." His voice sounded calm and Lucifer thought maybe he took it a little too far and he blushed being embarrassed. Suddenly he was pushing down onto the chair Alastor was just sitting in, his eyes immediately going up to look at his lover.

"But there's a first for everything, Ducky~"

Alastor purred as he whipped the bow tie off and tossed it on the console, Lucifer's face going bright red as he helped him out of his coat, his lips meeting Alastor's in a heated kiss, the blondes hands fiddling with Alastor's buttons.

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