"Your Punishment"

Começar do início

"W- we made the f-food Master,  but we swear,  we checked before serving you "

A group of ladies gathered themselves at a corner and shivering madly they uttered the words somehow.

Y/n glance at V to know what he's planning to do , V seemed to be unpredictable,

"Robert !! Bring my favorite thing for Me !!"

V uttered,  everyone turned Pale except Y/n .

"V , you're getting angry over a silly reason, "

RM tried to cool him but he glared at Him

"Don't tell me what to do,  and out now"

V replied with a ice cold tone .

Y/n was still sitting looking at everyone's face , soon her eyes widened when a man return with a hunter. She immediately got up from the table .

Robert gave the hunter to V

"Come in a line , if you want me not to loose my patience "

V ordered,  Slow steps they came in a line , V rolled the hunter and as he's about to attack. Y/n jumped in between surprising everyone.

"Noooo , please don't!"

Y/n uttered Making the Ladies behind her gasp .

"Move "

V ordered.

Y/n shook her head .

"I said move !!"

V yell .

Causing Y/n flinch a bit but she didn't move a inch from her place.

"N- no , hurt me it was my fault "

Y/n replied making the servants gasp

"My lady !! What are you saying!!"

The servants whisper from behind.

"Nobody asked you to be their saviour,  so just move , don't interrupt in my business Y/n , don't make me mad "

V respond

Y/n looked determined

"I was feeling bored so I requested them to let me cook the meal , they denied  , but I pleaded a lot , and the food you ate was made by me , your servants are lying so that you won't hurt me "

Y/n uttered Making the ladies behind her gasp again.

"It sounds like a white lie "

V replied

"No it wasn't,  now as you're mad , punish me all you want,  don't hurt them , Don't hurt the innocent people,"

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