C H A P T E R 8 | Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

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(A/N This starts off during chapter 7 btw.)


I tried to stall the entire day so I could come up with the least hurting explanation. I was waiting outside of my house and was confused because Violet wasn't here yet.

I groaned, Jake better not come and pick me up again.

I walked towards the car and went in. I noticed Violet being quiet, which was weird because she was always energetic and loud in the morning. 

All I heard was her clearing her throat.

I frowned slightly, but just shrugged it off as one of her moods. 

I moved into the back seat and got sandwiched between Mia and Emma.

"So....Ashley, is it big?" Emma asked out of nowhere.

"E-Excuse me?" My jaw was left hanging, I was not expecting that type of question coming out of Emma's mouth. Well, I was but it was out of nowhere.

"You know, is it big?" She asked again. "Jake's wiener?" 

"Ew! Emma, what is wrong with you!" I moved away from Emma.

"Oh my God! You dirty bitch!" Angelo screamed as he turned around.

"What? I'm talking about his wiener dog," Emma opened Jake's Instagram and showed us a picture of Jake hugging a wiener dog. "You guys are dirty minded."

"Oh." I felt stupid for screaming at her, but once I saw her smirk, I knew that she did it on purpose.

Angelo rolled his eyes and went back to talking to his 'beloved' girlfriend. I shook my head at Emma as she shrugged and stalked my supposed boyfriend's Instagram page with Mia watching.

The car later stopped at Blair's house and I continued my conversation with Emma and Mia.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that Violet and Blair were both kissing. I sighed and looked down at the ground.

I wish that was me.

The car was filled with different conversations along with my own until the car came to a stop in the school parking lot. We were all confused when Violet ran out of the car, but we all got out as we really didn't want to be late to our classes.

I put the backpack over my shoulders and made my way into the school building. I looked around for Jake, as I knew if I didn't just get it over with, I might end up changing my mind.

But I, unfortunately, didn't find him and instead found my locker. I put my backpack and other things in there.

I looked around once more for good measure and walked into my first period. I tapped my pencil on the table a whole bunch of times, thinking about how the interaction will go down.

The teacher then scolded me for making a distraction for the other students. I was never really a bad kid so I just nodded and stopped.

I wished that I could just tell him already, tell both of them already but, it was just too much. 

This was too much.

I decided to spend the rest of my time thinking about other things like Violet, and Violet, and oh, did I mention Violet?

The bell rang and we all ran out of the classroom. Once again, I looked around for Jake but couldn't find him. I sighed and went to my remaining classrooms.

                                                                   . . . .

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