C H A P T E R 5 | I Fucking Hate Chickens and Jake Cook

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For some reason, Angelo wanted to take us to this Farm exhibit.

Well, actually Sammy suggested it but, Angelo enforced it.

He had to practically beg us to go because Sammy wanted to go, but she didn't want to go alone and just with him.


"Why can't you just go with her yourself? I'm not her damn girlfriend." I responded and held back a laugh as I watched Angelo go on his knees and beg.

He looked ridiculous.

"Please, you don't understand. She will kill me if I break my promise, literally kill me." His eyes had a hint of fear and I sighed as I looked over at the rest of the people.

"Listen, you're my best friend and everything, but that sounds like a problem for you." Ashley said as she shrugged.

"Please! Please! Ashley, I'll do your homework for the rest of the yea-"

"I'm in." Ashley immediately responded as she bit down on her apple.

God, now I have to say yes.

"Alright, I'm in." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the table behind me.

Everyone followed and gave in the same way, and Angelo finally got up from his knees.

"Oh thank the heavens!" He winced in pain as his knees were slightly sore.

"How old are you? 'Thank the heavens' is insane." I snickered.

Who says that anymore?

He gave me a death stare and walked over to where Sammy was, and she jumped up in excitement as she heard the 'great' news.

She gave Angelo a kiss on the cheek and walked over to where we were.

"Oh my God! Thank you guys so much for coming." She squealed.

"Oh no please, it's my pleasure." Ashley said in a monotone voice.

"Lighten up, it's going to be fun! Angelo will pick you guys up at six!" She said as she practically skipped away.

I gave my friends the same look they were giving me, 'What did I just agree to doing, and why did they only give us two hours to get ready?'

                                                                      . . . .

Everyone was sulking the whole ride there.

Who in the right mind wants to go to a place where animals are crawling around and crapping all over the place? And calls it fun?

I groaned in disgust as I walked out of the car and instantly got a good whiff of animal waste.

"Sammy, I'm sorry, but I think I hate you." Emma said, as she covered her nose.

"Oh come on, after a while you get used to it." Sammy made her way towards one of the chickens and started talking to it.

"Is your girlfriend a farmer or just cray-cray?" I whispered towards Angelo.

"I think both actually." He whispered back, and crossed his arms across his chest as he probably regretted ever saying yes to this.

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