C H A P T E R 1 | My Life Sucks.

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My life is so boring, but when I'm around my lovely Blair, everything is bright and colorful. I was smiling as I thought about our date last night, she was acting strange but I just thought she was acting like that because she was scared about getting grounded because we were past her curfew. 

It was the third class of the day and I was anxiously taping my foot on the floor below me. I was so hungry, my stomach was practically roaring and screaming. So embarrassing I thought.

 The bell rang but the teacher told us to sit back down, I rolled my eyes once the teacher said we had to wait a few minutes before letting us go to lunch. 

We waited a good three minutes, and then finally, he said we could go. I bolted out through the door and made my way to my locker. I noticed my Blair leaning against one of the lockers next to mine, and approached her with a smile on my face as I started inputting my locker combination into the lock. 

"Hey," She said as she twirled her hair around her finger. "Sorry I had to go so early last night, it was really fun, I just had some....problems." I smiled at her and shook my head.

"It's okay, I understand." I had a soft smile on my face. I was never really a soft person, only my crushes and my lovers get that special treatment. She held my hand as we made our way to the cafeteria where I sat down with my friends.

"Look at the lovers." Emma joked. She was always the one to make a joke, then laugh about it with her weird ass laugh, I'm serious, It's weird. 

"Shut up." My Blair said as she hid her red face in my jacket.

 I noticed Ashley staring at my hand in Blairs before she realized she was caught staring and immediately looked down at her food. I always caught her staring sometimes, whether it would be at my face or whenever me and my Blair were acting like a couple.

 I just brushed it off like always, she was just spacing out, right? I haven't really talked to her in a while and thought that this was a perfect opportunity to start a conversation.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I said to my Blair as she nodded and I let go of her hand and made my way over to where Ashley was at. I sat down in front of her and gave her a soft smile.

"Heyyyy, how've you been?" I stretched some of my words a bit for dramatic effect to try and catch her attention and she looked up at me with the same soft smile that I had on my very own face.

 No wonder people say we're twin flames.

"Meh, what about you?" She started taking a few bites from her fries, which I took the liberty to grab a few of them, earning me a smack on the hand and a glare. I pulled away with a little 'ow'

"Yeah, same. Life's been pretty boring. Why has your life been 'meh'?" I asked as I grabbed her orange which she didn't seem to care about, which I was happy about because I was starving.

"Well, I haven't done much. I've only made a few drawings and that's about it." I started peeling the orange I had stolen from her, and happily put some slices into my mouth, I was even swinging my feet underneath the table.

"Oh wow, really? Can I see some of them?" I said as I looked around the cafeteria, I would always get nervous if I looked at her for long periods of time, I didn't really know why.

"Yeah, here." She reached inside of her bag and handed me some beautifully made drawings, I almost choked on my oranges once I saw them. My eyes beamed in awe.

"Wow, they're amazing. You're like the next Leonardo Da vinci." I started laughing and some of the orange slices were getting lodged in my throat, and I actually felt like I was choking. I grabbed a nearby water bottle and chugged it. I saw Ashley laughing at the murder scene. I looked at her, in disbelief.

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