C H A P T E R 2 | Sweets, Stomachaches, and Headaches

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I set up all the snacks on the little wooden table. Everything had to look perfect; nothing could be out of place.

I checked to see if the room looked presentable by leaving the room and walking back in.

I smiled to myself, proud of how I managed to clean my room in under five minutes.

I heard a knock at the door and panicked.

I knew that Violet had a key to my house already, so I prepared beforehand and locked my bedroom door, but even then I rushed and checked myself in the mirror.

After fixing my hair up a little bit more, and making sure everything was okay, I opened the door for Violet.

"Hey, there's some food on the table." I said as I gestured towards the little wooden table that was basically wobbling by how much sweets were on it.

Violet's eyes beamed in delight.

"Woah, look at all that. Ash, you know that I don't waste food right? Well, I better hope you do, because if I get a stomach ache, I'm blaming it on you." She said as she walked over to the blankets that were sprawled out all across the floor and sat down on them, then tapped on the side beside her.

I made my way over to where Violet was and sat down next to her, our knees and shoulders were brushing up against one another, I could feel my face turning red.

I tried to distract myself from the sudden intimacy by focusing on the movie we were going to watch.

"So what movie were you thinking of picking?" My voice was a bit shaky and it just made my face turn even more red.

"Oh, Baby's Day Out, I promise you that this is one of the best movies to have ever been created. Are you okay with watching this movie?" She said as she was already stuffing her face with candies.

"Yeah, it doesn't really matter what we watch." I said with a soft smile and just tried to act like I wasn't just fantasizing about our wedding, all because our shoulders brushed up together.

"Okay," She put the movie on and then grabbed a few gummy bears and handed them to me. "Want some?"

"Oh yes please, I didn't just buy these for you," Yes I did. "I also bought these for myself." No I didn't.

"Mhm, yeah okay." She leaned back on the edge of my bed and grabbed the whole bowl of popcorn and placed it on her lap.

. . . .

We were halfway through the movie when we realized that we ate all of the popcorn, and by 'we' I mean Violet. She stuffed the popcorn down her throat, literally.

I have never seen someone eat that fast and that much. It was actually terrifying, it sent a shiver down my spine.

I pretended like I didn't just witness that traumatic scene that will surely leave a huge mental scar on someone and I continued to watch the movie.

Violet was right, it was a very good movie. It had me on the edge of my seat, and going back for more candies was also something that had me stressing because Violet kept swatting my hand away.

Meanwhile, Violet just ate and ate without a care in the world. And she says she'll blame me for her stomach ache.

I watched as she swiped away her curls that were falling down on her face, I have never seen someone so perfect before.

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