C H A P T E R 3 | Jealousy Is A Very Ugly Thing

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A/N: Whenever there is the little periods during a chapter, it usually means a time skip, but in this case I will be using an Asterisk as a way to symbolize a time skip, and if you don't know what it is then search it up bozo. Also btw, the song at the top is going to probably become something that will appear in almost every chapter? I'm not sure, but this song basically screams Ashley's feelings and thoughts in this chapter.


I banged my head on the wall a couple of times as Angelo continued to give me what he likes to call, 'A wake-up call' and lecture me about confessing to Violet.

Now I know that confessing the feelings you have been hiding away for about seven years now to your best friend that already has a girlfriend and is completely and utterly in love with her, might I add, is not the best idea that I have ever had. 

I groaned for what it seemed like the billionth time as it was boring me at how he couldn't take a hint and shut up about it.

"You know she already has a girlfriend, like what are you even thinking. It won't ever happen, not in a million years. It's time to wake-up Ashley, you two will never happen."

His words cut me like a heavy sword, but in the end, he was right. He was so goddamn right, that he almost sounded wrong.  I sighed and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah I know, but she keeps sending me mixed signals, I-I don't know what to do. I'm trapped in such a co-dependency right now, and I don't want to hear a lecture from you, so if you could please just shut up and tell me what to do." I bluntly said. 

I was sick and tired of hearing the same lecture for the past seven years, but I was mostly angry at myself, for allowing myself to let my feelings grow over the years. I had cursed myself the moment I laid eyes on her. I sighed as I thought about it, clenching the phone in my hand. 


 I was in only in middle school when my fourth period teacher rearranged our seats and made us sit next to each other. I already had friends, and was even in a pretty big friend group, but I was still a bit shy.

One day though, I noticed that the 'quiet' girl whom I didn't know, was reading a book. Little twelve year old me was a bit too curious and I decided against asking her what the book was, but it was like my mouth had a mind of its own.

"What book are you reading?" I blurted out, I have never really heard her speak, or seen her at all actually. I didn't even know who she was or what her name was.

"Hmm? Oh, It's a book about romance. It's called Dangerous Thrist, I might let you read it one day, if I trust you enough. Just make sure no one else finds out about it." She said as she giggled, and continued to read her book. 

Once the teacher realized Violet had her book out, she made her put it away, but she would just bring it back out.

I thought she was pretty cool, and also laughed with her. At the time I didn't realize it, but I somehow already started to have a little crush on her. 

It already felt like I had known her for such a longer time than just one minute, I knew right then and there that we were going to be best friends forever.

Best friends forever. Only best friends.


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