Jealousy Is Brighter Than Flames

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AN: So, uh, I got inspired by a one shot I saw on Ao3, and I felt like writing my own jealousy Solangelo fan fiction. Also, remember, jealousy may seem like something funny to an outsider, but to the person experiencing it, it's pretty...harsh. As someone with RSD, I can confirm this. 
Also, like, can we give some credit to this artist? I don't know who they are, but GODS THIS ART, I CANNOT-


Usually, Will loved new campers. 

He loved the awestruck expressions on their faces as their learned about the gods, the camp,  and got shown around. 


But new campers usually weren't stuck up, arrogant, jerks who kept staring at his boyfriend. 

It didn't start out that way. 

Precisely a week ago, one of the satyrs named Oliver had brought in a 15 year old boy who had a few minor injuries from what they later learned was a hell hound attack. They boy was, admittedly, pretty good looking, with olive skin, wavy brown hair, and startling green eyes the same shade as Percy's. 

Chiron assigned him and Nico to show him around camp and get him settled, and Will had been positively thrilled at the chance to get Nico another friend. 

So he'd kind of pushed Nico to do all the explaining and stuck to healing his injuries and doing some simple introductions. Smart? 


But Will hadn't really been thinking straight. At the time, it had simply been an opportunity. 

So Nico, after much grumbling, had agreed to get him settled in the Hermes cabin. 

After a week, the boy still hadn't been claimed by his godly parent, so Chiron had decided that they couldn't delay in training him until he got claimed, and asked Nico to personally train him. 

For the first two sessions, Will had joined them, watching from the sidelines, just in case the boy - who's name turned out to be Jack Sinclair -  got injured. 

Eventually, after he started getting the hang of it, Will let them be, instead returning to his duties in the infirmary. 

He was currently in the infirmary, arranging the medical supplies, when the door burst open and Nico came in, dragging someone else behind him. 

"You good?" Will asked, leaving the bandage rolls on the floor and getting up. 

Nico rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but this idiot isn't. Told him to slow down. Tried to kill the dummy and ended up stabbing himself." 

Will held back a laugh. "Alright. Put him over there." 

Nico did as he was told, and Will studied the younger demigod's wound. It wasn't too bad, though he had lost a lot of blood. He poured some nectar over the wound, and watched it close. 

After a moment, he risked a glance at Nico. "I mean, I guess something good came out of this."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? And what would that be?"

"You've finally found someone to match your stubbornness level." 

Nico pushed him. "Shut up. Besides," he added with a wink. "I've got you for that, haven't I?" 

Will wasn't proud to say that he stood there, stuttering like a complete idiot while Nico laughed at him. 

Thankfully for him, Jack woke up just at that moment. "Wha-?" 

"It's okay, you got injured while training. How are you feeling?" Nico asked, interrupting him. 

He blinked. "Fine. I feel great, actually."

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