Movie Night With Freddy Kreuger

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"Movie time!" Ray exclaimed from the couch. "So what're we watchin'?"

"I suggest a marvel movie!" Jordon replied just as enthusiastically, and half the group groaned.

"Jordon, you will never become Tony Stark no matter how many times you watch," Editor-San countered fiercely, turning the groans into laughter. Jordon stuck his tongue out at Editor-San, who replied doing the same.

"Chill out, guys, why not just a rom com, that fits every occasion and mood," Phoebe suggested.

"I'd rather listen to a viola concerto than watch a rom com," Minjin commented, earning a high five from Editor-San.

"Guys, guys, listen to this..." Ray's eyes almost sparkled as he eyes over to you.You knew exactly what he would suggest and facepalmed mentally.

"Whadabout... Horror," the smile that grew on Ray's face revealed all malicious intents behind his suggestion.

While all the others cheered or bantered, you mouthed 'fuck you' with a smile to Ray. Ray replied by blowing you a kiss with his hand, causing you to roll your eyes and admit defeat.

After 10 minutes they had finally decided on which horror movie to watch which apparently was a heated subject. Minjin and Editor-San were both horror movie enthusiasts and had some real niched suggestions, movies that none of the other's had even heard of.

Pheobe and Jordon on the other hand were ok with horror movie, but insisted they'd at least watch one everyone knew about or at least had heard of. The rest of the group munched on the snacks, probably more entertained by the ongoing debate than the actual movie they'd soon watch.

Ray snuggled into the couch even more as the movie started, popcorn in hands, ready for the comedy that would soon unfold in the room. He knew you haaaated horror movies and got scared by the tiniest little thing, so for him that would be the entertainment for tonight, watching you suffer through 2 hours of constant fear.

He sat on the couch along with Eddy and Jordon, cause sadly the couch wasn't bigger than that. Everyone else sat on the floor leaning against the couch or lying down.

You, Brett, Editor-San, Jordon and Hyung were leaning against the couch, you being on the furthest end of the line, while Minjin and Pheobe were lying down on either side of the TV. Beside you sat Brett, and the second the movie started you instantly felt the urge to snuggle closer.

30 minutes of the movie passed, and you had actually managed just fine. You shot Ray a look of victory and he gave you the middle finger in response. You chuckled and leaned over to do the same hand gesture back, but just as you did, a loud scream was heard. It caught you by surprise and startled you in the way horror movies usually did.

Your body reacted by folding in on itself, but since you had leaned over a bit to bicker with Ray, the fold formed in Brett's lap.

Brett was more startled by your reaction than to the jump scare itself and reacted impulsively by wrapping his arms around you. An awkward moment passed where none of you knew what to do or say, but it passed as Brett had landed from the adrenaline rush and whispered.

"It's ok, it's over now," he soothed and started rubbing your back reassuringly.

You realized the location was incredible comforting and managed to ask:

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Of course," Brett replied and the two of you rearranged your position so that you sat in between Brett's legs with his arms wrapped around you.

People started turning their heads to see what the fuzz was about, but then turned back.

Everyone except Ray who watched with a grin. His supposed comedy entertainment had turned into a whole different story.

Another person who didn't look away was Eddy. He couldn't help but dart his eyes regularly toward your direction to see what was going on.

The movie only became more and more intense and you lost count of the times you  clutched onto Brett's arm or covered your eyes in his arm or chest. After a while, it was simply too much. It wasn't fun anymore and now you actually felt uneasy forreal.

You had turned from sitting in Brett's lap with your legs front, to sitting with your legs over Brett's left leg.

It was easier to hide your face in his chest this way. You could still hear the slashes, screams and thuds from the horrific scenes displayed on screen, and brought your right hand up to the ear that wasn't pressed up against Brett's chest.

"Hey, you ok?" Brett's whisper was soft and soothing, a crazy contrast to the other sounds echoing through the room.

You shook your head slightly.

"You wanna go to another room? I'll follow, don't worry," now concern and worry was added to the melody of Brett's voice.

You shook your head again. You really didn't want to make a scene, especially not over a stupid horror movie. Instead, you took one of the hands that held you and lead it up to your ear.

Brett took the cue and kept his hand put around your ear, occasionally daring to brush it through your hair to soothe you. He also held you closer, as if trying to keep you safe from the world and its harmful intents.

As the movie continued, you were happily unaware of its content. The only thing you saw was dark and the only thing you heard was Brett's steady, rhythmical heartbeats. They were four square, like a metronome.

You couldn't even make out when jump scares or similar played out on the screen because it was so steady.

The rhythmical drum of Brett's heart along with his familiar scent and protective embrace, eventually lulled you to sleep.

"Hey, don't bully her! It's not her fault." Brett's voice was vague, as if spoken from far away as you stirred awake.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" Ray teased and ruffled your hair before crouching next to you and Brett.

You wiped the sleep out of your eyes.

"How long was I out?"

"An hour or two maybe. The movie ended maybe 30 minutes ago but Brett refused to wake you up," Ray replied, grinning at Brett at the last part.

"You looked peaceful okay... I was worried..." Brett explained, his ears turning slightly red.

You chuckled lowly at his reply, too tired to be mad he didn't wake you up, causing you to miss 30 minutes of quality time with friends. Those 30 minutes were actually spent wonderfully in dreamland.

"Hey, y/n..." Ray started, dropping his playful attitude and turned serious. "Are you ok? I suggested horror movie as a joke, but I didn't know it was actually this bad... I'm really sorry..."

You smiled softly at Ray, your head still resting against Brett's chest.

"Don't worry about it Ray, I didn't know it was this bad either actually... But hey! I got some extra sleep at least!" You said, trying to alleviate his feelings of guilt by looking at the bright side.

Ray smiled slightly. He reached out and petted your cheek with the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry Tiny," he said one more time and you leaned in to his touch in way to tell him it was ok.

What you didn't see though was the look in Brett's eyes. Had he been a wolf, he would've shown his teeth, growling at Ray with pupils like slashes. Ray let you go after a while and returned to his usual, playful manner:

"Don't worry Brett, I won't take your candy," he joked.

Brett x Eddy x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin