Walking in on you partner cheating... not really (NSFW)

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Life goes on and the throuple continues to explore their new lifestyle and it pays off well. One day Brett comes home and finds himself hearing far too familiar noises from the living room. He quietly took off his shoes and sneaked into the room.

The sight he was met by riled him up in many different ways. Eddy was buried deep in the cavity of y/n while drawing beautiful moans out of the smaller figure.

You were straddling him, back facing Brett, and the big, soft sweater you were wearing contrasted gravely against the sinful activity in action. In his heart he could identify almost every emotion he could feel, rage, excitement, betrayal, enjoyment, anticipation.

Brett acted on instinct. A moan, as well as a gasp, was drawn from your mouth as he pulled by the hair, tilting your head back to kiss your already swollen lips. Brett had one leg on the side of Eddy's and one hand on the couch's backboard.

"Fuck that's hot," Eddy grunted, causing him to thrust faster.

The new pace, in combination with the adrenaline rush caused by Brett's sudden appearance, pushed you over the edge. Your moans increased in frequency and volume until they suddenly stopped as you came, pelvic floor muscles pulsating contractions.

"Fuck, y/n, if you keep doing that I'm gonna-" Eddy didn't get further before he came, filling you up from the inside.

After a moment of heavy breathing, Eddy was the one to break the silence:

"Nice of you to join us Brett."

You silently wondered how he could sound so calm and casual, cause your nerves were through the roof. Would Brett get mad? Would this even work? Brett and Eddy had never been in such an intimate situation together before, would this affect their friendship negatively?? Would that be your fault?

The questions and worries kept spinning in your head while you still were on your way down from your high, taking leverage against Eddy's shoulders to not fall limply into a puddle of flesh and bones.

"Nice of you to invite me," Brett had a sting in his voice that caused your blood to run cold.

Was he mad that you two had sex without him present? Should inviting him and waiting for him to get home be a given after the conversation they had in this very couch a few days ago? Was this a backstabbing?

You're breathing escalated and you were just about to apologize to the man behind you (whom still had a firm grip of your hair by the way), but Eddy cut you off with a chuckle.

"Anytime," he said jokingly with that smooth, casual tone once again. But had Brett's comment really been a joke? You looked back at him and noticed he was wearing a smirk on his lips.

"You mind if I try that toy of yours?" He said cheekily.

"By all means, be my guest."

Brett shifted his focus from the man in front of him to the face of the little body underneath him, neck still strained backwards by the power of his hand.

"You mind another round, baby?" He asked, voice now softer than during the playful conversation he'd had with Eddy.

You simply nodded your head yes eagerly, unable to create any sort of verbal sound that wouldn't come out as a moan. Brett smirked at the reply and propped you up on your knees instead.

"You mind holding this," he said teasingly to Eddy and handed him your upper body.

"Not at all," he replied and placed you on his shoulder, using his hands to help hold you up.

Brett simply opened his pants and pulled down his underwear a bit, not feeling the urge to strip there and then in the living room. Sure him and Eddy had been naked in the same room before, but never like this, not even remotely close.

Brett entered with great ease, the remains of Eddy acting as perfect lubrication.

"Oh my god, that's wet," he moaned. "What did Eddy do to you?"

Eddy grinned at the comment. While Brett thrusted unto you, Eddy gave you soft kisses and caresses. He was grateful to have that excuse to not look at Brett right in front of him.

He was surprised to how well the situation had turned out so far since he'd been thinking about it a lot recently. How would it even work to have sex together all three of them without it being weird between Brett and Eddy who still considered each other nothing more than friends? Would they even be able to acknowledge the other without it being weird?

But as soon as Brett had barged into the room and kissed y/n, Eddy couldn't help but exclaim how hot it was, and after that talking was surprisingly easy. He was even surprised with himself at how smoothly he'd kept up conversation with Brett this whole session. It was as if that first sentence broke the ice and stigma, and after that the water could flow freely.

Still, he didn't feel comfortable watching Brett fucking you mercilessly yet. Soon maybe, but right now he could also sense that Brett preferred him to look away, hence why Eddy kept himself preoccupied with your face and hair.

Another thing Eddy noticed was that Brett had recoiled whenever their limbs accidentally touched. Like when their legs accidentally touched, or their hands around your waist when Eddy tried to help holding you up.

You on the other hand did not notice any of these things at all. You were far to deep into pleasure right now and generally just happy it did work out, you didn't have the brain power to think about 'how' now, but made a mental note to ask the boys about their feelings later.

Once again your moans increased until they were exchanged by silence as you came for a second time. Brett reacted the same way Eddy did.

"Holy fu-" he exclaimed as he came earlier than expected because of your contracting walls.

After coming down from his high, he pulled you up with a gentle arm around your torso and kissed your cheek and ear.

"You did so good baby," he whispered, still out of breath.

You threw your hands over your head to touch his back and hair, causing your shirt to go up in the process. Eddy couldn't resist but to run a hand over it, causing shivers in you.

"So beautiful," he commented, and Brett hummed in agreement while kissing your neck.

"So beautiful and only ours," he added, giving Eddy a look.

Eddy grinned in agreement and continued to caress your body.

After a while you all had calmed down (or mainly you since you were the one who'd gotten the biggest rush). The three of you were still in the same position, but now both of them were entertaining themselves caressing your body with gentle, feather light touches, making you high on oxytocin.

"You know how I rarely come? Well, you guys proved me wrong," you said with a smile.

"Really?! You came?" Eddy exclaimed happily.

"Twice," you added.

"Twice?!" Brett exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, didn't you notice? I thought it was obvious," you giggled.

Brett picked you up and carried you to the bathtub and Eddy walked ahead to tap up the bath and hop in. Brett gently handed you to Eddy who took you into the bath with him. The warm water and Eddy's calming embrace made you feel perfectly content.

Brett smiled sorrowfully at your small smiles and giggles as Eddy kissed and hugged you. The stabbing feeling was still there, it was way less extreme, but present nevertheless. He took the moment as an opportunity to apply the thoughts Eddy shared with him earlier.

The two people he loved the most loved each other.

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