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Another get together with the gang was approaching! It was supposed to act out as a mini-Christmas even though it was the 23rd of December. This was because everyone usually celebrated with family on the 24th so if they wanted to celebrate with and give gifts to each other it had to be on the 23rd. Brett and Eddy didn't celebrate on the 24th anyway unless they were going home to their families, but this was not one of those years, nor would you so supposedly, Christmas eve would be a low key and chill event.

The same gang came over. Brett was standing in the kitchen cooking some boba for everyone while Eddy prepared a board game in the living room. Once everyone had arrived, you settled around the coffee table in the living room and started a game while catching up on each other's lives and eating pizza like usual. You and Editor-San were giggly as usual, and the game had to be involuntarily paused multiple times to wait out a laugh attack between you two. The rest of the group didn't mind though since it gave them time to talk instead.

Brett couldn't help but look at you fondly as you laid on the floor holding your stomach to ease the pain as you laughed along with your newfound friend. When the two of you had finally collected yourself, you sat up on your spot on the floor and looked up at Brett who sat next to you but on the couch.

"What?" You asked teasingly and bumped his knee softly.

"Nothing, you're just cute when you laugh," he said and pulled your head to him to kiss the top of.

You were not satisfied, and as he moved away after the kiss on your head, you grabbed his t-shirt to pull him down for a real kiss. I was quick and chaste, yet it left Brett red and speechless.

The whole room stopped in its movements and all attention was on you two. You didn't notice but instead nonchalantly returned your focus to the cards you had. As you finally placed the card you decided to play down on the deck, you realized the shift that had happened in the room. Everyone stared with open mouths. Everyone except Eddy who desperately tried to focus on his own cards to distract himself.

You smirked at the reaction and looked to Brett who was still flustered. The silence was broken when Editor-San cleared their throat.

"Excuse me but... SInCE WhEN?!? AnD You DiDN'T tELL mE?!?" Editor-San exclaimed.

"I called it guys, I fucking called it," Ray said and lifted his hand.

"Awww, you're so cute," Pheobe commented.

"No one's shocked?!! Cause I'm hella shook!" Hyung exclaimed.

You and Brett laughed together at the varied reaction. You tried to calm and justify your actions to Editor-San but ended up getting wrestled to the floor for not telling them.

"I called it, didn't I tell you I fucking called it bro," Ray kept nagging, directing his comments on Eddy this time who didn't seem to be as excited about the matter as Ray.

In fact, he was very quiet during the rest of the game, but it was hard to recognize his absence since you and Brett were still the hot topic.

You got a lot of questions of course, and Editor-San insisted on getting all the juicy details later, causing both you and Brett to blush. Brett put one hand on his face in embarrassment and you hid yours in his shoulder/chest since you now had moved up to sit beside him on the couch and he'd laid a protective arm around you. The truth was that you hadn't done anything mildly inappropriate yet. The relationship was no more than two weeks old.

After a while, you finished the game. Minjin won and received an extra glass of boba as price even though the boba was free for everyone to drink. The guests helped packing the game back together.

"Why do they get to help but I'm not allowed to?" You teased Brett with a pout.

He kissed your hand and replied as if it was obvious:

"Because you're special."

Following a cheeky smile.

It was now time for presents. Everyone had gotten one gift per person. It had been a horribly stressful time for you since you hadn't planned to stay over Christmas originally, but you had scrambled up something for everyone at least, hence completing the task. Editor-San was easy, you simply bought a stuffed dolphin that referred to an inside joke of yours. No one else understood what was going on when Editor-San opened the gift and then you were both on the floor laughing two seconds later, but everyone had come to accept it at this point.

The toughest ones had certainly been Brett and Eddy. You had originally planned on giving them both matching sets of gloves and mittens that you had crocheted yourself in secret, but then everything came around and you thought it would be nice to give Brett something extra, so you added a keyring with a crocheted heart on. It wasn't much and you were almost ashamed at how bad your presents were in comparison with everyone else's.

Especially in comparison with one certain gift... Eddy's gift to you. You were the last one to receive your gifts. Editor-San gave you a pair of sick shoes. You really had the exact same taste, so you were incredibly happy with them! Brett gave you a so-called snug-rug; a blanket with arms and a hood. You laughed lovingly at the present and thanked Brett so much.

"You always walk around the house with blankets, so I thought it was fitting," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Brett, I love it!"

Eddy was the last one to give his present. He'd still been fairly quiet the whole evening but spoke up before giving you the gift.

"It's not much, but I thought you'd have it..." He said lowly before standing up to go into his room.

When he came back the whole room stopped once again. Everyone knew what it was despite the wrapping. You and many others put a hand over your mouth.

"It's my old one... I'm sorry it's not brand new, but I've taken great care of it... I think it will do your talent more justice."

You stood up and walked over so Eddy wouldn't have to pass the valuable instrument over the candle lit coffee table.

"Eddy... Are you sure?" You asked.

He nodded and handed the violin case over. You didn't even need to open it to know what it was, so you didn't waste time on that. Instead, you placed the case down beside you to hug Eddy properly.

"Thank you, Eddy," you whispered.

Eddy stood startled at first, unsure of what to do or what he was allowed to do. It was as if he could feel Brett's burning gaze on him. But then he decided to take his chance. This was most likely the last hug from you with his kind of intensity and emotion, so he greedily decided to embrace it. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly, fighting for his life against the tears burning underneath his eyelids.

"That's very kind of you Eddy," Ray smiled warmly to him as you broke the hug.

Eddy nodded silently in response, not trusting his voice to carry him through this.

"You play, y/n?" Minjin asked, enlightening the mood with a more uplifting tone.

"Yeah, wonderfully too," Brett responded quickly with a cheeky smile.

You rolled your eyes with a smile.

"No, I'm probably worse than all of you guys regardless of what your main instrument actually is," you joked causing laughter amongst the group as you walked back to your spot beside Brett who opened his arms to welcome you back.

The evening proceeded with chatter and laughter. You had a few other games on the plan, but halfway through, Eddy disappeared to bed, claiming he wasn't feeling very well. You and Brett exchanged worried looks once again after he'd left, whispering about possible sicknesses he could've developed. Was it a common cold? Or maybe the flu? It was very common this season in Singapore.

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