| No | 46 |

Depuis le début

    August climbs out the car laughing and waves to the people in the car. He's stumbling around a lot. The car drives away and I see it's his stupid friends, the same ones that jumped Johnny. August sees me and his smile and laugh fade.

"August," Theo starts "Where the hell have you been?"

The sheer smell of alcohol coming from him is choking me "Out."

I step forward "August you can't just skip-"

He flips me off  "Shut the hell up you evil bitch!" I'm taken aback.

"Are you drunk?" Theo asks

"No!" He stumbles back slightly, he points at me "You're evil y'know tha? I hate you! I pounded tha guys face in the ground an' I'd do it again!" I shoot Theo a look, he's 1000% drunk.

Me and Theo walk towards him and Theo pulls him inside.  August looks pissed to say the least. Theo half throws him down on the couch  "August. Where. We're. You." I ask

"Bob an' Randy took me drinkin' since I was so mad at you." He slurs "You ruined my life you wench." Wench? Is he a pirate?

"August you need to go to sleep you're hammered." I say. My head is pounding harder than it ever has before, August shouting really isn't helping.

He stands up and shoves me "Like you got room to talk! You're hammered every other damn night!" He screams "You're a terrible sister! I hate you! I wish Jesse killed you in that damn warehouse!"

"August!" Theo shoves him back and August clocks him right on the temple. Theo falls over grabbing his head.

He gets right in my face "I smashed your lil boyfrien's face in the dirt and I'd it again! You're the worst thing to ever to happen to this family!" He shoves me again and I hit the wall "Y'know that? If you weren't here Dad and Rich still would be! Mom would still be here! You ruined everything!" Jesus fucking Christ my head hurts so bad I think I'm dying

My head hurts so bad I think I'm going to pass out "August.."

"No! Shut up!" He punches me straight in the nose. My head hits the wall and the world briefly stops moving, all sound is distorted and the pain is one of the worst in my life. My nose immediately started pouring blood, I think he broke it. With my good eye I see Theo get off the ground and lunge at August. After a lot of punches from both of them Theo knocks August out. I couldn't hear any of it. I was in so much pain I couldn't hear or feel anything. I saw their mouths moving but no sounds. I was barely conscious enough to remember any of it. My hearing did come back a little and I remember someone telling me to 'stay awake' and 'stay with me', I don't know who it was.

    My hearing completely returned at some point and my migraine got a lot a better, painkillers kicked in I guess.

    I stumbled out of the bathroom and see the faces of Sodapop, Johnny, Darry, and Dallas all looking at me worried. Hey the windows fixed. Johnny looked like he had been crying. I still couldn't really feel anything. Just nothing. I think that's worse than being upset.

"Stacy..."  Johnny walks up to me "Are you okay?" What kind of question is that?

"Yep." I turn to the gang "You guys heard all that?" They nod "Cool." Lord my nose hurts.

Soda looks so upset "Stacy do you want to come stay with us for the night?" I shake my head "Are you sure? Cause we wouldn't mind-"

"I'll stay here." They all look worried "Guys I'm gonna be fine."

Theo comes out of August's room and over to me "He's out cold. How's your nose?"

"It hurts." He nods. I'm tired. I need some sleep. "You guys still want dinner?" Why'd I ask that?

Darry steps forward "No, Stacy you need rest. You don't need to be cooking."

"I'm fine. I said I would make you guys dinner and I want to make you guys dinner." I start to walk back to the kitchen but someone grabs my wrist

"Love you need rest-"

I yank my hand out of his grasp and stumble back "Don't touch me." My skin is burning

Johnny walks closer "Sorry, I was just trying to get you to stop." A wave of my pain washes over my head and I groan and grab my head. I stumble but feel hands catch me. I can't open my eyes for a few moments because of the pain, I can't hear either. I'm sick of this.

I open my eyes and see those terrible cool grey eyes that's always had a wild look in them, eyes that scare me so bad I'd rather die than ever look into them for more than a minute. Suddenly I wasn't feeling nothing anymore, I was feeling fear. Pure unadulterated fear. The person in front of me was Jesse. His dirty blonde hair falling just above his eyes in crazy spikes. He stopped taking care of it towards the end.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see someone, I didn't know who it was. Some stranger. "Oh shit! You guys gotta go! Go!" He shouted to people I couldn't see

"Stacy" Jesse's voice hisses

"Get off me!" I shoved him off me with all my might, sending him back a few feet. The spots he touched felt like they were on fire.

"Stacy- wha-" he looked hurt

The stranger grabbed Jesse and said something to him I couldn't hear. The stranger escorted Jesse out and I started hyperventilating, I can't breathe I can't breathe. I couldn't get any air in my lungs. My skin burns. Why's my face wet? Who's screaming? Who's that stranger?

It was me. I was screaming, I was crying, I was hysterical. The stranger was Theo. I can't breathe. I clung to Theo like my life depended on it. Jesse was back. He knows where I live. He broke my window. Jesse knows where I live. He came back for me. He's going to kill me. He'll kill me.

I kept scream-crying. I didn't know what else to do, I was utterly terrified. I was shaking, I couldn't breathe, my world was spinning. Nothing made sense. Theo held me and at some point I realized he was sobbing too. I'm so scared.

At some point I passed out. I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night and was just shaking like a leaf. I sat up and in the pale moonlight I could see Theo sleeping on the floor next to my bed with a makeshift blanket bed with about six blankets. I felt guilty. I shoved someone off me, I didn't know how but I had a feeling it was Johnny and I desperately wanted to be wrong. The gang had to see me like that, they heard my brother like that. God I'm such a burden. I just wanted to hide away in a hole and never come out. I just buried my face in my pillow and quietly cried myself back to sleep.

Jesse's back.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
This is why I posted that dream chapter. So I could go back and read it to heal after this one 😭
Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 2016

Also Outsiders rehearsals are two months ahead 😛 we don't go on till may and we already have the set finished and have done full run-throughs 😭

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