Chapter Seven: Immortal She, Fuck!

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GUYS IM SO SORRY!!!!! I've had so much writer's block on this story!!! And then there's life and-

Well, you guys know how that schist goes.

Guys I swear I was not trying to be Uncle Rick!!!

Please forget me, here's a new chapter and I hope to get back on track with updates!!!  

Love you guys and thank you so much for reading!!! <333



    So Hailey is apparently immortal. That's great. But at least Kristiana is a Daughter of Apollo! Oh wait, then she can die. So shit.

    I freaking swear! I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm cool, I'm okay. But what da fuck people?

Above Hailey's head were glowing peacock feathers and a lighting bolt. Gee, I wonder who that could be? Now the peacock feathers, they told me exactly who her parents were immediately. After all, the goddess of marriage never cheats, she just screws up my friends' lives! The lightning bolt was obviously Zeus. Well, at least she wasn't a child of an affair like Heracles, and Perseus, and Thalia and Jason. (WHY I AM APPARENTLY THE ONLY PERSON THAT KNOWS HIM HERE?!?!?!)

Even Chiron looked gobsmacked. Hailey looked up, also confused at the two symbols, now fading with Kristiana's. "So, Im like Lila? A legacy or something?" I stared at her in awe. "Hailey, you are definitely not a legacy." "Well what does that mean?" She seemed to be getting nervous now. "I woulda thought that I'd have drilled it into your brain by now."

I think I'm gonna be sick.

    Chiron spoke now, and even The Chiron, trainer of Heroes, son of the Time Lord, and knows Percy Jackson, was still in a mild shock. Can't blame the guy, I mean, this is becoming a pretty weird week... Sorry, I might have gotten off track for a second. I bet you're all saying 'Back to it Illia!' Well here you go:

    "Hail Hailey, Daughter of Hera, Goddess of Marriage, and Zeus, King of the Gods, Lord of the Skies" Hailey looked at me, while the confusion stayed on her face, she looked at me with a new sense of fear in her eyes. Everyone bowed to her, except for me and Kristiana, both our us felt like our legs were attached to wooden planks.

    "No, no. It's wrong! It has to be wrong! I- I can't be- I'm not-" She cut herself off. "Am I?" I grabbed her in a hug. "It's gonna be okay Hailey. It's gonna be okay." I stroked her hair in an attempt to calm her down. She was crying and I couldn't do anything. Well, I've got one option. "Hailey, stop crying or me and Kristiana will start singing Follow the Yellow Brick Road and dragging you through Camp.

    She let out a sound between a sob and a laugh. We need to think of a name for that.

    Chiron let us leave and took on the massive amount of questions that were coming at him from all sides. We hid at the lake, sitting on the dock.

I realized the same day that we each made a weekly call to our parents to check in, and it was SATURDAY. We made these calls every Friday and would sometimes call on Saturday if we had a busy day on Friday. But we were in a call with Holly when we were attacked by the Chimera.

While she normally wouldn't care, she was a total snitch. Highly frustrating if I'm being completely honest. She argues with people for no reason other than she enjoys it, but she calls it "debating."

I will be honest, it pisses me off. I have begged her to stop, I had a rough experience in seventh grade and have some mild trauma from it. Arguments are a gigantic trigger, probably the largest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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